A Lesson in Patience

Free A Lesson in Patience by Jennifer Connors

Book: A Lesson in Patience by Jennifer Connors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Connors
Tags: General Fiction
    Seeing her expression change from embarrassment to anger, Colby figured he should get her to bed quickly before they were arguing in his front yard. The last thing he wanted was to wake up his family and introduce his wife this late.
    Clearing his throat, he spoke quickly, “I think we should get to bed. It's late and we're both pretty tired. Let me show you your room.” With that, he let go of her arm and walked toward the steps to his home.
    The Miller family home had changed drastically over the years. When his parents had first settled in this valley, there were only a handful of families. Most of the settlers were ranchers, like the Millers, but some had tried their hand at farming too. Colby's earliest memories were of a small, two room log cabin that his father made when he wasn't caring for their stock.
    As his parents became more successful, and after a few years of good beef prices, his father decided to add on to their home. Now, the house had two stories, five small bedrooms, a parlor, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. They even had an inside toilet, since walking across the yard with a few feet of snow on the ground had become very tiresome, especially with small children.
    Colby loved the house but had no qualms about leaving it. He still would, if he could.
    He walked Ginny up the stairs and opened a door at the top of the stairs. Walking inside, he lit a candle and turned to watch her expression. He expected to see disappointment, but was surprised.
    Once Ginny saw the small bed, her eyes lit up with excitement. Praise the gods , she thought merrily as she dropped her bag that she'd left with the crates for the house. Smiling at Colby, she said, “Thank you. I can't wait to get some rest. Good night.” Ginny knew she wasn't being very subtle but didn't care. She had a date with a bed!
    “Well then, good night.” Colby felt put off by her attitude. It seemed that no matter what she gave him, he wanted something different. He expected her to be disappointed, and when she wasn't, he was bothered by it. I used to be able to read people so well , he thought as he left the room and closed the door behind him.
    Ginny changed into her nightgown, but since there wasn't any water in her room to wash up, she just went to bed. She could wash up tomorrow, she figured as she climbed between the sheets. The linens smelled a little stale, as if they'd been waiting for someone to use them for a long time. The bed wasn't her pillow top at home, but it was not sleeping on the ground either. Moving this way and that, Ginny finally found a comfortable position and fell fast asleep. Any worries she had would wait for morning, where she could confront them in the light of day.

Chapter 9
    The next morning, Ginny awoke to screams of joy. Apparently , she thought to herself, the boys get up pretty early. Her one window showed that the sun had barely risen in the east. Fighting the urge to roll back over, Ginny pulled herself from the bed and went about getting dressed. Lamenting her lack of water, Ginny did the best she could with her body and hair. She put on her same traveling clothes that had seen better days, even before her traveling.
    Ginny walked down the same steps she came up the night before, following the sounds of laughter coming from another part of the house. Entering a small doorway, Ginny peered into a kitchen, where a boy and a girl sat around an old wooden table eating breakfast. The smell of eggs and ham made Ginny's stomach gurgle so loudly that they turned suddenly and stared at her.
    No one said a word for a full minute. The girl finally found her voice and said, “Oh, my. Please come, sit down and join us.”
    Afterwards, the little boy couldn't contain himself. As Ginny sat at the table, he began his inquiry. “Who are you? Did my brother find you and bring you home? Are you my new teacher?”
    The girl, suddenly remembering

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