The Tender Flame

Free The Tender Flame by Al Lacy

Book: The Tender Flame by Al Lacy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Al Lacy
slowly. “You’re right, I know. I just wish sometimes it wasn’t so hard.”
    On Tuesday morning, May 12, 1846, President Polk made a grim announcement in Washington that war with Mexico was inevitable and unavoidable. All attempts at a peaceful settlement with the Mexican government had failed.
    The next day, Congress overwhelmingly approved a declaration of war, which was called for by President Polk. The country was now officially at war with Mexico. General Zachary Taylor and his troops would be the first to move into Mexican territory. Other troops would follow as quickly as possible.
    At military posts all over the twenty-eight states and many territories, the United States Army was put on alert.
    At Fort McHenry, the troops and officers were assembled for a briefing of the situation and for assignments. Lieutenant Grant Smith was assigned to General Winfield Scott’s battalion, and Scott informed him in a special meeting that the battalion would headsouthwest for Mexico on Friday morning at dawn. Those officers who lived within a short distance of the fort would be allowed to ride home and tell their families good-bye, as long as they could be back by Thursday at 1:00 P.M.
    Lieutenant Smith was given an army horse to ride, and he put the animal to a gallop as he headed for home. About three hours later, he rode into Montgomery Village. While trotting toward the Reynoldses’ home, he was hailed by friends and questioned about the alert. He told them a battalion was leaving Fort McHenry at dawn on Friday, then hurried on, wanting to get to Lydia.
    Grant dismounted in front of the house and saw Billy’s face in the parlor window. The front door stood open, and he could hear Billy calling loudly to his sister that Grant was here.
    Billy was first out the door. Grant hugged him, then saw Lydia behind her brother. There was apprehension in her eyes as she opened her arms to him, breathing his name. Lydia clung to the man she loved, her face partially buried against his chest, and his strong arms held her tight.
    “We heard about the alert, darling. What’s happening at the fort?”
    Grant leaned back so he could look into her eyes. “Sweetheart, I’ve been assigned to General Winfield Scott’s battalion, Company C, under Captain Nathan Daniels. The entire battalion is pulling out and heading for Mexico at dawn on Friday.”
    The breath caught in Lydia’s throat, and tears rushed to her eyes and spilled down her cheeks.
    Grant cupped Lydia’s chin in one hand and said softly, “Sweetheart, we have to trust the Lord in this. I know it will mean postponing the wedding, but probably not for long. This war shouldn’t last but a few months at most. We have so much more firepower, and a much larger army than Santa Anna. It’ll be over in short order.”
    Lydia drew another deep breath and wiped away her tears. “Darling, I’m sorry. I know I’ve got to keep my chin up. You’re asoldier and duty calls. I must learn to live with that. And I must allow the Lord to give me the strength and faith I need to trust Him to keep you safe and to bring you back to me.”
    “That’s my girl.” Grant folded her in his arms once more. “I hate postponing the wedding, but we’ll get through this and be married before the snow falls.”
    The Smiths and the Reynoldses were told of Grant’s assignment to General Winfield Scott’s battalion and of the plan to pull out for Mexico on Friday morning. Both families felt apprehension that Grant would be leading a unit of men into combat. Marjorie invited the Reynolds family and Pastor and Mrs. Britton to supper that evening. She wanted to have the pastor lead them in a special time of prayer for Grant’s safety.
    Late that evening, after the meal and the time of prayer for Grant, the engaged couple sat in the porch swing at the Reynolds house. The moon was full and cast a silver spray of light in the yard and on the porch.
    The fragrant, warm air carried a heady aroma of May

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