Romance Book Club

Free Romance Book Club by Michelle Hughes

Book: Romance Book Club by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Hughes
more than he was willing to allow.  Lowering his lips, he captured her mouth again.   His fingers quickly moved to the small clasp of the flimsy garment, undoing it before pulling the straps off her shoulders and standing back to cast it away.
    Her hands automatically shielded her body from his eyes.  The shake of his head made her rethink the action, and she nervously lowered her hands to clench the leather table.
    "More beautiful than words." Her handful sized mounds were just perfect in his mind and fit perfectly with the petite beauty she was.  He reached over to cup the light weight of her breasts, and then rubbed his thumbs over the coral-colored peaks.  Pinching the hardened pebbles, her soft moan of pleasure echoed in his mind, fuelling him on.  Lowering his mouth, he suckled deeply, then allowed his teeth to graze over her nipple, enjoying her response.  He loved how she arched into his touch.
    Tossing back her long black hair, she closed her eyes at the sensation of his teeth scraping over her enflamed flesh.  It sent a spark of pleasure straight from her breast down to her core.  It was unlike any other feeling she'd felt before.  Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers tugged lightly on her other nipple, and she cried out, overwhelmed at the intensity.
    His mouth trailed down to her quivering abdomen, and he knew that the jeans had to go.  Raising his head, he spoke with gravel to his voice that wasn't there before.  "Lay back honey," it was a soft demand and he was pleased that she responded so quickly.
    Chase unsnapped her jeans, and lowered the zipper.  She swore the sound of her pounding heart echoed in the room.  When he tugged down, she raised her hips instinctively allowing him easier accesses.  The material rested at her knees. She felt him pulling off her tennis shoes and socks, before removing the thick fabric of her jeans. He tossed them away. 
    Leaving her in just the small scrap of fabric that covered her sex, his mouth lowered down to her abdomen again.  His tongue traced an outline around her navel before delving in.  The way she tensed was precious, he thought.   She had no idea the things he would do to her body before this night ended.  For now, he needed to please more than he wanted to tease.   His tongue moved to trace a line right above the band of her bikini briefs.
    What was he doing to her , she thought at the feel of his tongue? His hands were pushing under her hips, lifting them.  She cried out loudly as he spread her legs wide. Chase placed them over his shoulders, and his mouth found her core.  Only the thin fabric of her underwear was between them and she tensed in both pleasure and a small fission of fear knowing where this was headed. No one had ever kissed her this way, and it was overwhelming at how quickly her body responded.
    The scrap of lace had to go he decided. Without rational thought, he pulled it apart easily with his large hands, destroying the flimsy material.  Her soft gasp at his action demanded he show her how much pleasure he could give her.
    Her last barrier being removed was as shocking as they way he'd destroyed it.  His tongue delving into her removed any thoughts of his behavior from her mind though.  She wanted this, wanted him, and gentleness just didn't enter the equation.
    If he thought the taste of her mouth was incredible, the sweet essence of her core was unbelievable.  She was so wet and ready, his cock throbbed with need.  Her body was pure perfection. Chase knew at this rate he wasn't going to last long enough to pleasure her if he didn't find some control.  Spearing his tongue into the sweetness of her flesh, and retreating again, wasn't enough, he demanded more.
    Grasping his thick hair in his hands, she lifted her hips off the table to offer him her body.  Soft cries of pleasure escaped her lips.  She surrendered to the magic of his mouth.  "Please," she cried out pulling his hair unconsciously.
    Her small

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