X Marks the Scot

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Book: X Marks the Scot by Victoria Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Roberts
proceeded to see how Lady Cranborne fared. Although Cranborne was clearly an arse, Lady Cranborne should not be blamed for her husband’s mistakes. Declan would not wish ill feelings upon her or the bairn she carried.
    When he reached the hall, he found Cranborne pacing. “How are Lady Cranborne and the babe?” Declan asked.
    An expression of relief passed over the viscount’s face as he stopped in front of Declan. “Thanks to Lady Campbell, they are well but my wife will need to spend some time abed. Lady Campbell is in there with her now.”
    Declan nodded and there was an uncomfortable silence, neither of them wanting to converse on the inevitable. This may not have been the most appropriate time, but Declan could not have Cranborne thinking the worst. That was why he thought to be the bigger man.
    Folding his arms over his chest, he stood to his full height. “I need to speak with ye about this morn.”
    Cranborne mirrored his stance. “I thought you might.”
    “Last eve, someone entered Lady Campbell’s chamber and ransacked her belongings. I donna know if they found what they were looking for, but they were kind enough to leave cut-up carrion flowers all over the floor and her bed.”
    Cranborne’s eyes widened. “What could Liadain…er, Lady Campbell possibly possess that someone would want, and who in God’s name would spread carrion flowers throughout her chamber?”
    “’Tisnae anything I havenae already asked myself.” Declan paused and cast him a pointed look. “She couldnae stay in her chamber, and that was the reason she shared mine. I slept upon the floor.”
    “You mean to tell me there was no other female acquaintance she could have sought out?” His expression was clearly one of disapproval.
    “And who exactly was she to seek out, Cranborne? Your wife ?” Declan raised a brow.
    “It was improper and you know it.”
    Did everyone in his life feel compelled to lecture him? “I wasnae going to leave her unattended or with someone I donna know.”
    Cranborne shook his head. “I understand your reasoning, but I’m sure I was not the only one to know she shared your quarters last eve. Have you no regard for her reputation?”
    Declan stiffened and his eyes narrowed. “I slept upon the floor. It wasnae as if I ruined her or the like. I believe that task already fell to ye,” he spat, giving Cranborne a knowing look. At least the man had enough sense not to push the issue further.
    The door swung open and both men gaped at the healer. “I thought I heard voices out here. Ye may see to your wife now, Viscount Cranborne.”
    “You have my thanks.”
    Stepping out into the hall, she shut the door behind her. “MacGregor.”
    “Cranborne’s wife and bairn are well, thanks to ye. Ye did well, healer.”
    She waved him off. “It was hardly me, but they are well. I must go to my chamber and change,” she said, pointing to her soiled gown.
    “I will accompany ye. Ye didnae have time to break your fast. Would ye like me to get ye something to eat?” he asked as he escorted her through the halls.
    She smiled her thanks. “Nay. I will eat later. Are ye nae supposed to be shooting arrows in the tournament this day?”
    A few men passed them while deep in conversation, and their eyes widened when they spotted the healer. One of the men spoke a prayer under his breath but loud enough for Declan to hear. This was the second time for such a coincidence, and Declan did not believe in chance occurrences.
    Casting a quick glance at the lass, he saw she was oblivious to her surroundings and simply waited for him to respond. “Aye. After the midday meal. Would ye like to come and watch?”
    She playfully elbowed him in the arm as the other men moved on. “I might even be persuaded to cheer for ye.”
    “Now what would I have to do to persuade ye to do that, lass?” he asked.
    Color stained her cheeks. “Would ye cease speaking as if I am your latest conquest? Ye know it will ne’er happen, and

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