X Marks the Scot

Free X Marks the Scot by Victoria Roberts

Book: X Marks the Scot by Victoria Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Roberts
want to take a look. Viscount Cranborne, will ye please stand back?” Liadain waved him out of the way. As she lifted the blanket, she saw that Elizabeth’s nightrail was soaked and there was a trace of blood.
    “Dear God ,” exclaimed Robert. Elizabeth tried to sit up to catch a glimpse of what had caused her husband’s sudden frenzy.
    Liadain hastily flipped back the blankets and cast Robert a look of disapproval. Turning toward Elizabeth, Liadain gently coaxed her back down upon the bed. “Ye must be still. Viscount Cranborne, I need a word with ye,” she ordered as Elizabeth called out in pain.
    “Elizabeth!” screamed Robert, pushing Liadain aside and grabbing his wife’s hand.
    Liadain slapped him in the arm. “Ye arenae helping your wife,” she said through clenched teeth. “Take your leave and seek the midwife. Please do as I ask.”
    Reluctantly, Robert left his wife’s side. When he opened the door, sounds gushed in from the hall as he dispersed the small crowd that had started to gather.
    The door closed and Liadain cast a glance at Elizabeth. The poor woman’s face was pale and pinched. “It will be all right.”
    “Please tell me what is wrong. I need the truth.” Elizabeth’s eyes widened with concern.
    “There is some blood, but there isnae yet a need to fear. I must take a closer look at ye.”
    Closing her eyes, Elizabeth nodded in consent. Liadain again pulled back the blankets and lifted Elizabeth’s nightrail. She examined Elizabeth and felt for the babe’s head. It was not as low as a head usually was for the birth of a child. Due to the bairn’s position, Liadain deduced the woman had ample time before the wee one was ready to make his grand entrance into the world.
    Without warning, Elizabeth jerked and her hands flew to her stomach. “I feel the babe!”
    Liadain nodded. “Aye. Sometimes when it gets close to time for the bairn to come, he tricks ye into thinking he is ready, but he isnae. Be sure to drink plenty of water. I am nae sure why it helps, but it does. We will get ye cleaned up and change your linens, but I think ye need to remain abed for a few days and rest. If ye do that, I think ye and your wee one will be fine. When was the last time ye drank?”
    Elizabeth looked puzzled. “I’m really not sure. Last eve?”
    Liadain approached the bowl of water and cleaned her hands. She lifted the pitcher and poured some water for Elizabeth, aiding her to drink. When Elizabeth finished, she placed her head back down on the pillow while Liadain filled the cup again. “I want ye to try to drink all of this as well.”
    The door swung open and the color drained from Robert’s face. “The midwife was escorted to see Lady Somerset. Tell me what I can do.”
    “Your wife and bairn are fine. The babe isnae yet ready to come. I suggest the viscountess remain abed for a few days of rest.” Liadain wiped the sweat from Elizabeth’s brow.
    “We will do whatever you recommend. I am so thankful you are well, dearest.”
    “Your child is very stubborn, Robert,” said Elizabeth, dryly.
    He chuckled in response.
    “Please wait in the hall until we change the linens. Then ye will be able to spend some time with your wife,” said Liadain, gesturing Robert out the door. When he did not respond or move, she quickly added, “Ye donna have anything to worry about. They are fine.” She gave him a reassuring smile and turned around as the door closed.
    Elizabeth grabbed Liadain’s hands as tears streamed down her face. “Thank you. Truly. I don’t know what I would do if I lost this babe. Robert would never forgive me.”
    Something moved out of the corner of her eye. Liadain swung her head around and saw Robert standing silently in the corner of the room, his eyes darkened with emotion. Liadain turned toward Elizabeth and smiled warmly. “Viscount Cranborne loves ye.”
    After an unsettling morning and paying off a few maids to clean the healer’s chamber, Declan eventually

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