Doctor Who - Nuclear Time

Free Doctor Who - Nuclear Time by Doctor Who

Book: Doctor Who - Nuclear Time by Doctor Who Read Free Book Online
Authors: Doctor Who
Tags: Doctor Who, NSA41
he answered. 'And you know what? I think they wanted us to escape.' Amy gave him a withering glare. He held up a placating hand. 'Bear with me.
    Look, they were reset when we got here, right?
    Well, now they're awake they probably have even less of an idea where we are than we do. I think they were testing us, trying to see if we would lead them to civilisation - it must be a nightmare for a bunch of robot spies to be without the full information.'
    Amy rested her head against the hedge behind her and sighed as its leaves bowed comfortably around her. 'So I guess now that we've proved we have absolutely nothing to offer them, they won't be so lenient next time.'
    'Well, it's just a theory.' Rory shrugged.
    Amy was silent for a second, gathering her thoughts. 'OK, enough. We're freaking ourselves out here. Let's just get somewhere safe until the Doctor arrives. I don't want to think about anything else right now.'
    It was Rory's turn to peer over the hedge now. The faint smell of leaves and general atmosphere 99

    of freshly cut grass seemed oddly comforting considering
    encountered danger in an environment that reminded him so much of home before, and it was a chilling thought to consider that such things could happen on any street - even his.
    'Let's go,' he muttered, and they did, dashing over to the gate, fingers holding the catch so as not to make a noise then ducking out across the junction towards the opposite block of houses. Rory snapped his head back the way they had come as Amy struggled with the catch on the next gate. He looked around: more houses, the warehouse, garden after identical front garden and, standing motionless in the middle of the road, Isley - two blocks away and looking straight at him. He did a double take, not quite certain whether he was seeing things, and in that moment she flashed him a smile.
    'Gotcha,' she mouthed and suddenly she was in motion, sprinting at full pelt towards them, no acceleration, no build-up, zero to twenty miles per hour in the time it took for Rory to blink.
    He threw himself after Amy, a sliding tackle into the gate as she moved to hide behind the hedge, grabbing her sleeve as his legs scraped across the ground, grit scratching at his calves.
    'She's found us. Get inside the house!' Rory 100

    yelled. Amy dithered. 'Now!'
    He ran to the nearest bay window, turning his head away and flinching even before his elbow hit the polished pane. There was a thud and tinkle of glass that sounded far too gentle for the pain Rory experienced as the impact shot up his arm. Then he was bundling Amy in through the splintered window frame as fast as he could.
    'What about the front door?' Amy squealed as she tumbled onto a bare wooden floor.
    'If it was locked, we'd have been dead before I broke it down,' Rory responded as his hefty body was cushioned by hers.
    She heaved him off her and jumped to look out of the window as a ripple of noise spread across the village.
    Front doors slammed across Appletown, a silent alarm had been raised and the villagers were descending on their prey.
    Rory scanned the room for anything useful but, like the Sandersons' house, the lounge was furnished only with an awful beige sofa and a modest television set.
    'What if someone had been in here?' Amy shouted. 'We could've been walking into a trap!'
    Rory threw up his hands in exasperation. 'Now is not the time to be talking, dear! Just get out of the back door now!'
    They ran across the hallway towards the rear 101

    of the house, through the open-plan kitchen and towards the large glass double doors that led out into the back garden.
    One of the doors was ajar.
    The pair halted at the sound of a voice.
    'You didn't tell me we had guests dear.'
    'I didn't?' another voice replied from the garden. 'Well, that must have been because I wasn't expecting any.'
    A woman stepped into view on the other side of the glass panelling, the

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