No Pink Caddy (ACE Book 1)

Free No Pink Caddy (ACE Book 1) by Layne Harper

Book: No Pink Caddy (ACE Book 1) by Layne Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layne Harper
napkin drapes over his lap, shielding his erection while I wear wet panties. His face is relaxed, as if he’s watching a morning polo match. I feel like a cat on a burning hot roof. I want to go home so I can think about what just went down in the ladies’ room, but I don’t want to leave Aaron’s presence. I crave more time with him—more of his attention.
    Seconds after we sit, our waiter shows up with food. As if I could eat right now.
    “Sir, madam, paneed rabbit with spaetzle, wilted greens, turnip purée, and sauce grenobloise. Here is your pickle jar and side of hand-cut fries. Enjoy!”
    I attempt to make a joke. “You did learn a lot from my site.” I lean forward and grab a pickle. The food looks divine and smells even better but my stomach is way too tied up in knots to eat.
    Aaron smirks. “Watch it, MK. I wouldn’t want to make you feel stuff again.” He says “stuff” with enough mirth that I have to laugh at myself. His joke seems to cut the sexual zaps of energy enough that I can actually look at my plate of food.
    He takes a bite of the rabbit. “I like to try different meats when I travel.” The fork slips into his mouth, and I’m jealous that it isn’t my tongue.
    “Do you travel a lot?” I ask as I cut a piece of meat.
    “A fair amount. Eat, MK.” He takes another bite and sighs in appreciation.
    I drop the bite of rabbit. “I don’t think I’m able.” Quickly, I reassure him that he made a good choice. “It’s just that my stomach isn’t settled.”
    “Are you getting sick?” The troublesome V appears.
    “I’m . . . uh . . . I’m . . .” I can’t finish. I don’t know what to say. I’m horny. I’m confused. I’m certifiably crazy and need to be locked in a padded room.
    Aaron signals for the waiter. “This is wonderful, but my date isn’t feeling herself.” He cocks one eyebrow and gives me a smoldering look. “Would you mind boxing this and our dessert up and bringing the check?”
    “Sure, Mr. Knite. Would you like the bottle of wine to go also?”
    “That would be great.” He smiles confidently.
    Our plates are quickly removed and the table cleared.
    “You didn’t have to do that. You could eat.” I feel like a real jerk. Let’s add it to the list of faults I have. Poor guy put in so much effort and his date is crazy. At least he’ll have a great story to share with his friends.
    “No need. This evening is about you and not the food.”
    Did he really just say that? Was that a great line or does he mean it? “Your last name is Knite?” I ask as I fiddle with my napkin.
    “No.” He looks perplexed. “It’s Emerson.”

Chapter Four
    MK Landry @NoPinkCaddy
    Why do I have to be me? Isn’t it my time to change from a caterpillar to a butterfly? #INeedAMetamorphosis
    MK Landry @NoPinkCaddy
    Can’t sleep. Can’t breathe. Can’t believe I’m such a first date failure. #I’mBecomingCelibate
    MK Landry @NoPinkCaddy
    Googling how to join a convent. #JustSayNoToMen
    “So that’s it?” Bella asks at lunch the next day. I activated our emergency signal, only saved for dire circumstances like this, and she agreed this situation definitely was cause for a long lunch with wine.
    “Yes. We got our food to go. There was a town car waiting for him. He gave the driver my address—it’s not like I told him. He walked me up the steps of my house, gave me an innocent peck on the cheek and turned around and walked back to the car.”
    “And then?” she asks as she takes a sip from her glass of wine.
    “And then I went inside and texted you the emergency code and took a cold shower, which didn’t come close to cooling me off. And I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling pondering why I’m such an idiot and putting it all on Twitter while I wondered if he joined Twitter and was reading my posts.” I push my salad away. I’d only been moving the lettuce from one side of the plate to the other anyway.
    “Any conclusions?”

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