Henry Wood: Time and Again:
so far been mostly chained to his desk. Still, Henry wasn't sure if he would go for it.
    “Anything you need, it's yours.”
    “You still got some vacation time left?” Henry asked, already feeling guilty.
    “Heck, yeah. I had a pile of sick leave, and even with everything going on, I still have a bunch. I didn't have to use any sick leave when I was out of commission, so I figure I have about six months worth.”
    Henry chuckled. “You ever taken a vacation?”
    “Yeah, I went fishing once. Didn't catch anything but a cold.”
    “This is the deal. I may have implied to this guy that I have a few other people working here. My gut tells me that this new client may have been part of whatever Mickey was looking into. I can't say for sure, but I could use some backup. You mind taking a week or two off, and doing some moonlighting at Henry Wood Detective Agency?”
    “You got it buddy – no charge,” Mike said.
    “I appreciate the gesture,” Henry countered, “but this has got to be on the up and up. I'm putting you on the payroll, and will let the client know you're on loan from the force. I may have implied that we've worked together before, too.”
    “Well, technically, we have worked together before. I was just getting paid by the city.” Mike chuckled.
    “Good point, my friend. One more thing: I think I need a secretary. If you have any ideas, let me know.”
    “I can't think of anyone, but I'll keep my eyes open. When do you need me?”
    “I realize it's short notice, but if you could make it in by 11:00 day after tomorrow, the client is coming in at noon.”
    “I have the next two days off anyway, so no problem. I'll go down to the station and put in for the time off, then be at your place by 11:00.”
    “Thanks.” Henry pushed the plunger down on the phone; as soon as he had a dial tone again, he got the operator to dial an old friend.
    “Hello, this is Dr. Brookert.”
    Henry loved his old friend's phone etiquette. “Dr. Brookert, it's Henry Wood. I hope I haven't called too late.”
    “Don't be ridiculous, my dear boy. I'm just reading some interesting Latin text about...well...I find it interesting, but I digress. What can I do for New York’s best detective?”
    “I'm working on something now. It feels like it may be right up your alley, and I could really use your help.”
    The life of a NYU professor is not as thrilling as one might imagine. Henry and the professor met many years ago, at the library. Henry had been fascinated by a pile of old-looking books, and they had struck up a conversation, found that they got along well, and that each was interested in the other's career choices.
    The idea of working on a case with Henry thrilled the usually understated professor. His voice was like a child's for the briefest of moments. He paused, regained his composure and then said, “It would be my great pleasure. I'm at your service.”
    “I appreciate it. I intend to put you on the payroll, but it shouldn't interfere with your classes. Mostly, I'll want to use your vast knowledge of art and the art world.”
    “It sounds like a very interesting case. When do I start?”
    “Is there any chance you could be at my office day after tomorrow, in the morning around 11:00, for a few hours? If you have a class, it’s okay. This is short notice.”
    “I have a class at 9:00 and then again at 3:00. I'll see you at 11:00. Hey, I heard your place burned down a few months back. Did you get it cleaned up?”
    “Oh, no, I got a new office in the Flatiron building.”
    “Great, I'll see you then…Boss.” ”
    Henry laughed. He was quite sure that the impression the professor had of the life of a detective was more glamorous than was actually the case. He hoped he wouldn't be too disappointed.
    “I will not have you calling me ‘boss.’ Oh, and one more thing: I'm looking to hire a full-time secretary. You know anyone who might be interested?”
    “I don't, but I'll ask around. When do you need

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