What Love Tastes Like

Free What Love Tastes Like by Zuri Day

Book: What Love Tastes Like by Zuri Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zuri Day
first-name basis, don’t you think?”
    Nick’s reference to the mental image she’d just erased almost caused her to shudder, but Tiffany remained as still as stone. Now was not the time for daydreams, fairy tales and lost control. You’re an out-of-work cook with bills and a mortgage, she reminded herself. This man is your potential employer. Keep your eye on the prize!
    â€œWe’re no longer in Rome,” she said after a pause. “And as I am very much hoping that you will soon be my employer, I should probably follow the protocol of the others who are working for you.”
    â€œI see.” Nick’s eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out whether Tiffany’s obvious discomfort was due to nerves, true dislike, or hidden desire. Sooner or later, he determined, he would definitely find out.
    â€œExcuse me, Mr. Rollins.” The hotel manager stopped several feet from where Tiffany and Nick were standing.
    â€œYes?” Nick answered him, but kept his eyes on Tiffany.
    â€œYou have a phone call. It’s Mr. Price.”
    Nick turned to the manager. “I’ll be right there.” He turned back to Tiffany, his voice strictly business even as his eyes darkened when quickly scanning her body from head to toe. “We’ll be in touch. ”
    Tiffany had barely steered her Prius out of the hotel parking lot when her phone rang. She figured it was Joy, calling for a play-by-play. She clipped on her headset and clicked the Talk button without checking the ID.
    â€œYes, he’s still as fine as he was in Rome,” she said by way of greeting.
    â€œI thought you went to Italy to work. Who’s still as fine as he was in Rome?”
    Damn! “Oh…Mom.”
    â€œWell, don’t sound so enthusiastic,” her mother answered sarcastically. “Obviously you were expecting someone else. Now back to my question. Who’s still as fine as he was in Rome?”
    Tiffany barely suppressed a groan. The last person she wanted to be discussing either her past lust liaison or her future employment with was her mother. Her mind raced for a deft way to put the proverbial cat—that was almost out of the bag—back inside. “Oh, just somebody I had dinner with, a casual acquaintance. How’s business? Did you get the airport contract?”
    Normally any question about Janice Matthews’s technology firm could send her into a nonstop spiel about the center of her world…her business. Now, however, was not one of those times.
    â€œMy business is fine. Now back to yours. Who’s this casual acquaintance you met in Rome? Your comment didn’t sound all that casual to me.”
    Tiffany had never found it easy to lie to her mother. She figured she would tell as little of the truth as possible and hoped it would satisfy her mother’s curiosity. “Okay, Mom, you got me. Actually, he’s not a casual acquaintance, he’s the man who might be my boss.”
    â€œTiffany, now, I know I raised you better than that. Office liaisons are the easiest way to throw a career off track, get you booted out of the workplace, and have you landing flat on your rump, pun intended. But then again, if this is another one of those kitchen jobs, that might not be such a bad idea.”
    â€œLook, Mom, I don’t want to argue about my career choice today.”
    â€œNeither do I. I just wish you’d change it.”
    â€œI can’t talk right now, all right?”
    â€œWait, Tiffany. There’s a reason why I called. Your father is going to be in town this weekend. He asked about you. I gave him your new number. It’s time you two talked.”
    Tiffany was stunned into silence. She hadn’t talked to her father in over a year, hadn’t seen him in almost five.
    â€œI hope you’re not angry at me for giving him your number. But no matter the differences you two have had in the past, he’s still your father,

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