Christy Barritt - Squeaky Clean 04 - Dirty Deeds
hadn’t been to church.”
    “Why didn’t you go with Jackie on the hike?”
    “I fell from a ladder three months ago and broke my ankle. It hasn’t been the same since. Besides, there was a race on TV. I hung out at the bar to watch it.”
    It sounded like he had an alibi. But what about Derek, Lillian, and Jack?
    “What do you do for a living, Clint?” I leaned against one of the massive columns and watched as the valets scurried to help people arriving for their stay.
    “I work construction.” He snorted. “I know. I’m terribly out of place here. I almost didn’t come. Now I kind of wish I hadn’t, and that I’d tried to convince Jackie to do the same. Maybe none of this would have happened then.”
    “How’d you meet?”
    “I was installing a new tennis court in her backyard. She thought I owned the company, but I was really just a peon.” He chuckled. “When she found out the truth, she forgave me. We were inseparable after that.”
    “I know this must be hard on you.”
    He picked up a rebellious piece of grass that had sprung up between the bricks and tossed it into a nearby rose bush. “Jackie’s mom doesn’t exactly like me. I just had to get out of that room with her and her new ‘man friend’ for a while. They’re driving me crazy, and they keep looking at me like I’m second-class. I’ve never exactly had their approval.”
    “That’s hard. I can understand where you’re coming from.” I could. Maybe no one had ever said that to my face, but I still felt it. Riley always said it was only in my mind, but I didn’t one hundred percent believe him.
    Clint looked at me and raised his chin, as if I passed some kind of brotherhood test. “At least there’s one person here this week who doesn’t think I’m no good because I get my hands dirty for a living.”
    “People who get their hands dirty for a living are some of the best people I know. Honest, hardworking, bone tired at the end of the day. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
    He scuffed his feet against the bricks for a moment before looking up. “Thanks for listening, Gabby. I’ve got to get back to the firing squad inside, though.” He found a gum wrapper in his pocket, pulled out a pen, and jotted something down. “Here’s my phone number. If you hear anything, let me know.”
    I shoved the paper in my pocket. “Is there anything else I can do?”
    He frowned. “Just wait.”
    “I’ll pray also.”
    He nodded. “I’m not so sure God wants to do anything for me. I’ve messed up pretty bad.”
    “You might be surprised. I know I was.” There couldn’t ever be truer words spoken.
    He pointed inside. “I’m going to get back now. Thanks again for the talk.”
    I watched him shuffle back inside.
    I prayed this all would turn out well. But I had a strange feeling it wouldn’t.

    I grabbed lunch at the little market, having no desire to sit by myself in the massive, swanky dining hall. Riley had a lunchtime workshop today and couldn’t meet me, so I was on my own. I found a little wrought-iron table outside overlooking the pool area and sat down with my ham salad sandwich, some chunks of cantaloupe, and a bottle of water.
    I could have seen a movie and bought a round of coffee for all of my friends for the amount this meal cost me. At least at breakfast you just signed this little paper, and the hotel charged your meal to your room bill. It was a lot less painful that way.
    At least, until you got the bill.
    Something jabbed me in the rear, so I reached into my back pocket, and pulled out Jackie’s phone. I’d forgotten I’d stuck it in there.
    I hit the button and the screen lit. Several missed phone calls caught my eye. I pulled out my purse, found some paper and a pen, and jotted the numbers down. I really needed to return this to Clint, but I wanted to get some information first.
    I tried to figure out Jackie’s code, so I could see what other interesting information

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