For the Strength of You

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Book: For the Strength of You by Victor L. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victor L. Martin
you.” He went in the bedroom and came back out. “Here.” He handed her a diamond bracelet.
    â€œOh my Lord! Teck,” Fe-Fe squealed. “Jesus!” She started hugging him tight. “What happened to the box, baby?”
    â€œI . . . I don’t know,” Teck stuttered. “Just accept the gift, Fe. Damn.”
    â€œI’ll take this gift if you can take mine.”
    â€œWhat?” Teck smiled, watching Fe-Fe unbuckle his pants.
    â€œThis,” she said as she started giving him head.
    â€œDamn,” Teck mumbled. “I should’ve given you this bracelet a long time ago.”

Chapter 6
    Anshon was glad the sun was out. He was at a stoplight on New Bern Avenue when he dropped the top with Slick Rick’s “Hey Young World” massaging the four 12s in the trunk. He called Monica, hoping that she was up. She picked up on the second ring.
    â€œWhat up, shawtie? Let me come scoop you.”
    â€œAnshon, you heard what happened to Tom-Tom?” she asked.
    From Monica’s tone, he didn’t know if she was asking him or telling him. “Is that a question?” he asked.
    â€œOh. Naw,” he said. “I ain’t heard nothin’.”
    â€œHe was electrocuted. His insides were outside of his body by the time the police found him. You know anything about that?”
    â€œCome on now, shawtie. What I look like? I can’t say that I feel bad about the nigga being dead . . . I mean, my sister may feel some kinda way, but hell, we all gotta die sometime.”
    â€œWhatever, Anshon.”
    â€œYo, I’m tryin’ to see you. Wassup?”
    She sucked her teeth and blushed at the same time. “Come on, boy.”
    Anshon smiled. “Fe-Fe and Teck are having a small card party later on, so I hope you know how to put your Spades game down.”
    * * *
    â€œMy book!” Fe-Fe yelled at Teck, grinning.
    Teck did a double take. “Baby,” he said, not wanting to embarrass her in front of Monica and Anshon. “Where’s your other cap at?” He pointed to her mouth.
    â€œI wanted to surprise you. I got implants, one porcelain and one gold.”
    â€œLet me see,” Monica said to Fe-Fe. “You look good, girl!”
    â€œThank you,” Fe-Fe said, covering her mouth. As she did that, her present from Teck slid down her arm.
    â€œWow, Fe-Fe!” Monica screamed. Anshon and Teck looked at her like she was crazy. “That bracelet is beautiful! Let me see.”
    â€œTeck gave it to me.” Fe-Fe held her arm out.
    Monica looked at the bracelet and her eyes lit up. “This is mine! Where did you get this from, Teck?”
    â€œThis ain’t yours,” Fe-Fe said, snatching her arm back. “My man gave me this.”
    â€œThat is mine!” Monica said. “My name is engraved on the lock. Look at it closely. That’s my bracelet that I was jacked for that night in the club.”
    Fe-Fe took off the bracelet and looked at the lobster claw lock, and it read Monica . Fe-Fe felt like a fool. She looked at Teck.
    â€œI thought this was the jeweler’s inscription. I’m sorry, Monica. I thought maybe I had a name brand piece.”
    â€œI can’t believe this shit,” Teck said, looking at Anshon, who had his face twisted. “I bought that shit from the pawn shop. I would’ve never known that it was stolen.” He took the bracelet out of Fe-Fe’s hands and gave it to Monica. “Here you go, baby girl. My fault.” He turned to Fe. “I’ll get you another one.”
    Fe-Fe sat back down in her chair, embarrassed. This was one time that she wished she was still getting high.
    â€œGirl, you hear what happened to Tom-Tom?” Monica said, trying to break the uncomfortable silence.
    â€œNaw, what?” Fe-Fe mumbled, peeking at the bracelet that was now on Monica’s wrist.
    â€œMy homegirl, Gina,” Monica

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