For the Strength of You

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Book: For the Strength of You by Victor L. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victor L. Martin
said, “called me this morning and told me that Tom-Tom’s next door neighbor found him electrocuted. The insides of his ass were on his living room floor.”
    â€œWhat!” Fe-Fe screeched, looking at Teck. “Who done it?”
    â€œI don’t know.” Teck frowned. “What the fuck is you, the law? Don’t be looking at me.”
    Fe-Fe looked at Anshon. He simply turned his head. Fe-Fe sucked her teeth, grabbed the deck of cards, and reshuffled them.
    â€œAnshon?” Monica said. “You seen my electric curling iron? I left it in your car.”
    Anshon spit his beer out. Teck looked at him and handed him a napkin. “What the hell kinda question is that?” he asked. “I don’t keep up with no damn curlers.”
    â€œIt ain’t that deep, Anshon. I just asked.”
    â€œWell, naw,” he snapped. “I ain’t seen it.”
    The card game was downhill from there. They finished the hand they were playing and then Anshon started yawning.
    â€œI’m getting a little tired. We’ll get up with y’all tomorrow,” he said, looking at Monica.
    Monica lifted her arms in the air and stretched. “Okay, baby.”
    â€œWell, I’m glad y’all came by,” Fe-Fe said.
    They all stood up from the table and walked toward the front door. Anshon and Teck walked outside to Anshon’s car, while the girls lagged behind.
    â€œFe-Fe,” Monica said, grabbing her hand. “I got something for you.” She handed her the bracelet.
    â€œWhat you doing, Monica?” Fe-Fe was surprised and tried pushing the bracelet back into Monica’s hands. “This yours.”
    â€œYou can have it.” Monica smiled. “The diamonds ain’t real, and the gold is just ten karat. I don’t need it. You take it.”
    Fe-Fe didn’t know what to say. She kissed Monica on the cheek. “Nobody never gave me nothing. Anything I ever had came ’cause I sucked dick real good or I stole it. So thank you. I really appreciate it, but it’s yours, and I don’t want it. Please take it back.”
    Monica could tell that she was making Fe-Fe feel uncomfortable. “Okay, Fe-Fe, but the next time, I want you to take what I give you.”
    â€œI will.”
    Monica kissed Fe-Fe on the cheek, and she and Anshon left.
    * * *
    The next morning, Teck and Fe-Fe were bagging up coke when Fe-Fe asked, “You think Anshon killed Tom-Tom?”
    Teck picked up two grams off the table and rolled them in the palm of his hand, making sure they were the same size. He placed them back on the table then carefully picked up a razor. Fe-Fe repeated her question.
    â€œYo, check this,” Teck snapped. “You see I’m tryin’ to handle this.” He pointed to the coke. “Just mind your business and handle this trap right here. This li’l spot is all we got to worry ’bout. I got a wrist fulla rubber bands, which equals mo’ money and mo’ problems, and that’s more than enough to have on your mind. Don’t worry about what happened to Tom-Tom.”
    â€œI understand.” Fe-Fe smirked. “I understand quite well. Anshon ain’t kill him. Both y’all did!”
    Teck ignored her and continued bagging up his work.
    An hour later, Teck finished and said to Fe-Fe, who was serving a fiend and listening to All My Children , “I gotta roll real quick. I need to go and check my brother.”
    Fe-Fe nodded her head as Teck left out the back door.
    * * *
    It was ten o’clock in the morning. Anshon had just dropped Monica off for her morning classes at the community college. He started to run home, but then he decided to go by Fe-Fe’s and check Teck.
    â€œYo, Fe,” Anshon called, rattling the screen on the front door.
    Fe-Fe didn’t hear Anshon announce himself, but she heard the door rattle. She ran to the front door hoping it was Teck. She’d been unable to

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