Phantom Riders MC - Hawk

Free Phantom Riders MC - Hawk by Tory Richards

Book: Phantom Riders MC - Hawk by Tory Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tory Richards
    “Prez, what does that even mean?” I snapped, cutting Keg off. “You only make love to old ladies? What kind of world do you live in?” What was I missing? Okay, I knew that I didn’t know a whole lot about bikers, and maybe that was a bad thing, because right now I had the feeling my mouth was getting me deeper into trouble.
    “Not knowing will be your only saving grace right now,” Hawk snarled, wrapping a hand around the back of my neck and yanking me up close to him. “Now get on the back of my bike or I swear I’ll fucking leave you right here. You know I will.”
    Yeah, he would, because he was a mean prick. Our eyes locked, his mouth was so close to me that I actually felt more than just the heat of his breath. The hand at the back of my neck was like a clamp, showing just enough strength to prove that he could inflict a lot more pain if he wanted to. My instinct was to back away, but self-preservation held me in place. I wasn’t about to cut off my nose to spite my face. I relaxed.
    “You done?” he growled.
    “For now.” I refused to give him the satisfaction of saying yes.
    Slowly he relaxed his grip and when I was able to move again I slipped onto the back of his bike. Hawk waited for me to wrap my arms around him before shooting forward. The man was overbearing and infuriating, but at the moment I had no choice but to do what he wanted. It taught me a valuable lesson though, next time not to seek help from a big, bad biker.

    Chapter 9
    Fuck, Audra was a stubborn and feisty bitch.
    It shouldn’t have turned me the fuck on, but it did.
    First off, I fucking loved a challenge. My brothers knew she was treading on dangerous ground, but Audra didn’t have a clue the damage that I could do her. I was going to make sure she was educated in the ways of biker life when we stopped for the night. Her ignorance was the only thing that had saved her ass, and there wasn’t going to be a fucking second chance.
    The next time her pretty little mouth got her into trouble I was going to spank the hell out of her ass before showing her who was boss. Her asking to ride with Clay after being on the back of my bike was a fucking problem. A woman didn’t sit on the back of one brother’s bike and move on to another one without there being consequences. I didn’t own Audra, and I didn’t intend to claim her, but as long as she owed me and my club she was going to stay exclusively mine.
    No way I’d let a woman sit behind me who was fucking another brother, and that’s what would happen if she rode behind Clay. Clay was smooth, he knew how to fucking woo a woman into his bed, he’d give Audra the kind of loving she wanted, all the bullshit that went along with getting off and feeling good.
    Sonya’s beautiful, traitorous face flashed behind my eyes. She was the reason I didn’t get close to women anymore. She was the reason I didn’t let a woman get close to me, not decent women, anyway. I couldn’t allow myself to forget what love had cost me. Sure, it had soured me toward all women, and maybe I did know deep down that they weren’t all alike, but it was a good excuse for keeping them at arm’s length. That is until I wanted relief. Then I didn’t give a fuck if they were decent or whores.
    As long as they understood the score.
    I clenched my jaw until I thought it would fucking crack. Knowing that I didn’t have it in me to give Audra what she wanted, why didn’t I just let her go to Clay? The thought of his mouth and hands on her tits and pussy made me feel like an animal, one that wanted to rip his dick off and shove it up his ass. Christ, it wasn’t even his fault I fucking felt that way. The woman behind me was screwing with my head.
    Maybe I’d gone too long without sinking my dick into a warm, willing pussy.
    Fuck, how long had it been?
    Too long. I’d been making do with blowjobs, and the

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