Dream Kisses (Romance on the Ranch Series #1)

Free Dream Kisses (Romance on the Ranch Series #1) by Verna Clay

Book: Dream Kisses (Romance on the Ranch Series #1) by Verna Clay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Verna Clay
Jacob looked confused. Jeez, have I stepped into an alternate reality?

Chapter 12 :  Role Playing
unpacked her suitcases, grateful to be alone. The atmosphere had gotten tight
when Jackson arrived. She remembered him from the previous night. He'd danced
several times with Mrs. Hackstetter, who'd obviously enjoyed his attention. She
couldn't blame her. Jackson was handsome and Mr. Hackstetter didn't appear to
be a very attentive husband, although the look he'd given the cowboy had
jealousy written all over it. Perhaps Jackson was just the kick-in-the-ass Mr.
Hackstetter needed to kindle something with his wife. Sarah stuck the scene in
the back of her mind; maybe she'd use it in one of her stories.
unpacking, she stretched across the homemade quilt on the four-poster bed in
her temporary home. Unwanted emotions, buried for a long, long time, surfaced
with Sage's haunting words. You need to see a shrink, Mims.
covered her eyes with her forearm, remembering things she wanted to forget—a
failed marriage at the age of twenty-four, a miscarriage at five months
gestation, and then depression so deep she hadn't wanted to live. Maybe she was
having a relapse and Sage was right about her needing to seek help. What did
they call it—Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome?
sighed and rolled onto her side. Her thoughts retaliated against Sage. He didn't
have dibs on the heartache market. Although losing his wife and child certainly
outweighed her tragedy; watching her baby's twenty-four hour struggle for life
while caressing his tiny hand was enough to send anyone to the loony bin.
Closing her eyes, she drifted and relived bits and pieces of her life—meeting
John Carter, a man eighteen years her senior and being swept off her feet;
planning her beautiful wedding; believing the lies John told her about
out-of-town business trips and late night meetings; accepting the reality of
his infidelity after being confronted by a jilted lover; listening to his
harangues about her weight problem; being overjoyed to discover she was
pregnant; losing the baby; blaming herself for the miscarriage; garnering the
courage to leave John; working low paying jobs to keep a roof over her head;
and the list went on. She opened her eyes and swiped away tears.
    * * *
and Jackson unloaded the last of the fence posts and Sage reached into his
pocket. Pulling out his money clip, he slipped out two twenties and handed them
to Jackson. He'd already paid the other two guys in his scheme. "Thanks
for playing along last night. Mrs. Hackstetter had a great time; better than
anything that old fart of a husband would have shown her."
don't want your money. I had fun dancing with Annie; taking it doesn't seem
right." Jackson pushed Sage's hand back.
blinked. "Annie, huh? Do I detect a note of fondness in your voice?"
turned red. "Give it a rest, Sage."
Jackson, she's married. I only asked you to dance with her to make her husband
jealous. Thought it might make him pay attention to her."
Curley asked me to stay for supper and I accepted."
don't need this bullshit. You stay away from her. Besides, they're leaving at
the end of the week."
merely shrugged and climbed into his truck. Sage watched him drive the short
distance back to the dorm. Sarah already had her panties in a wad. He didn't
need Mr. Hackstetter getting pissed, too. Rubbing the ache in his forehead, he
stalked toward the house to change and wash up for supper.
set a crock of beef stew on the sideboard along with cornbread floating in
butter, green beans simmered in bacon drippings, coleslaw, and fried potatoes.
Sage loaded his plate and sat at the head of the table. Thankfully, Mr. and
Mrs. Tully had saved him from the twins tonight by sitting on either side of
him. Next to them, Julie and Jacob sat across from each other. Mr. and Mrs.
Hackstetter sat side-by-side next to Jacob, and Jackson sat across from

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