Kiss and Make Up (Bachelors of Buttermilk #3)

Free Kiss and Make Up (Bachelors of Buttermilk #3) by Robyn Neeley

Book: Kiss and Make Up (Bachelors of Buttermilk #3) by Robyn Neeley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Neeley
marketing savvy Caitlin was. It made her even sexier.
    “Josh, are you there?”
    Right. His sister was still on the phone. “Sorry, sis. What’s going on?”
    “I need you to get down to the Sugar Spoon, stat.”
    Not the blue spoon again. He wasn’t going anywhere, not when he spent a wonderful day with his kids. It killed him that he’d have to go back to Manhattan tomorrow. He’d work something out to get back to Buttermilk Falls as fast as he could and not let months go by again.
    But that was tomorrow. Tonight, he wanted to help Caitlin put the triplets to bed and then suggest they share a bottle of red wine on her deck. It was a gorgeous night, and there was no sign of Adam.
    Come to think of it, his buddy never called about getting together for that beer he’d suggested earlier. That was fine by Josh.
    “Listen, Abs, now isn’t a good time.” His gaze rested on Caitlin who’d returned to the room with a sleepy Jacob, Penny close behind with Cassie.
    Caitlin laid Jacob down in his crib and motioned to Josh. “I’m going to jump in the shower and freshen up. Do you mind helping Penny?”
    “Not at all.” He turned and spoke into the phone. “Abby, I’m kind of busy right now. What exactly is it that you need?”
    “What I need is for you to get down to the bakery. There are over fifty single women in here demanding the names of their soul mates.” She paused, shouting over the noise. “Ladies, hold your horses. Even if you get a name, it’s not like anything is going to happen tonight. Your knights in shining armors are probably at the tavern getting tanked at this moment.”
    “Abby, what’s happening?”
    “It’s mayhem. I’ll explain everything when you get here. Can you hurry?” She lowered her voice. “I don’t know how much longer we can hold these women off with cupcakes.”
    “Fine. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Just then, Jacob began to cry. “I’ve really gotta go. Bye.” Josh clicked off the phone and reached down into Jacob’s crib, picking up his son. “What’s the matter, little buddy?” He held the infant up to his chest, rubbing his back. He needed more of these moments holding his children in his arms, soothing their tears.
    Caitlin came rushing in in a ruby red bathrobe, her long hair wet and falling below her shoulders. “What happened?”
    “Nothing. Maybe he wants his mother.” He started to hand Jacob over to Caitlin, but she stopped him.
    “I think his daddy is doing fine.” She grinned as Josh continued to comfort Jacob. A few minutes later, he set the sleeping baby back in his crib.
    “See. You’re a natural. Thank you for today, Josh.”
    Josh smiled down at his son. “I didn’t really do anything.”
    “You were here for us . . . um . . . I mean . . .” she stammered, “. . . for the kids.”
    “Today was nice.” He grinned. “Now I need you to get dressed.”
    “I’m sorry.” She tightened her robe. “I didn’t mean to rush out of the shower indecent; it’s just I heard Jacob crying and—total instinct.”
    “No, that’s not what I meant. Emma and Abby have some baking crisis going on at the Sugar Spoon. She wants me to stop by.”
    “Crisis?” Caitlin repeated. “What’s going on?”
    “Not sure. Apparently half the female population in this town had a sweet tooth tonight. I thought maybe you’d like to go with me. Maybe we could grab a drink and dessert at the inn afterwards?”
    “But if it’s too late, I understand. You’re probably exhausted.”
    “No!” She shrieked then lowered her voice. “I’d love to. Give me ten minutes.” She hightailed it out of the room, and seconds later Josh could hear her blow dryer.
    He took his time saying good night to the kids and then thanked Penny for all her help, promising Caitlin wouldn’t be out too late. She chuckled and told him Caitlin wouldn’t turn into a pumpkin if he had her out past midnight.
    Heading into the living room, he couldn’t help

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