Wild Is My Love

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Authors: Janelle Taylor
had befooled him. Yet it was his insults about her mother that troubled her most. When next she visited Giselde, she thought, she must ask her old guardian why her father would say such things. But who could help her prove her suspicion of Prince Alric’s poisoning?
    In her chambers Alysa quickly removed her over-tunic and kirtle, then brushed her long hair without waiting for her handmaiden’s assistance. To let Thisbe know she had turned in for the night, the young princess doused all candles but the one near her door. The room was nearly dark, giving Alysa a feeling of being trapped. As if in defiance, or in search for any type of freedom, she eased between her covers naked.
    How she yearned to have someone hold her and comfort her as the unknown warrior in the forest had. No, she quickly realized, not someone, but him. Her fingers moved back and forth over her lips as she remembered the feel of his mouth on hers, and she hungered to experience those sensations once more. Her hand slipped to a breast as she gently caressed it, recalling how wonderful it had felt when he had done this in her dream, and perhaps in reality. Was it wicked to crave that same behavior again? she mused. Was it wicked to desire more from him, with him? Her heart and body seemed to ache for him, and she tossed upon her bed as she tried to vanquish such emotions.
    She could not rid herself of those longings, and admittedit to herself. But how could she find him again, unless he came to the castle to seek her father? And if she were gone at that time, he could be sent away without her knowing. Yet if she remained here and he failed to appear…
    Alysa tossed the covers aside and walked to the narrow window overlooking the river. There was a village nearby, to the west of the castle, and one ten miles away, north of the castle. But he had been in the forbidden forest, which was southeast. Would he come here seeking to hire out as a paid warrior? Or would he try his luck earning money from the villagers or other lords? Or would he ride from her land to seek his fortune elsewhere?
    A breeze came off the river, playfully teased her face and body, and gently ruffled her hair. She watched moonlight dance upon the water’s surface, and wished she could go for a relaxing swim. She suddenly realized why she was gazing almost mesmerically at the moon’s reflection—it reminded her of the shiny streaks in the stranger’s blond hair. His eyes were as green and lively as the forest not far away. She sighed dreamily as she recalled how they had brightened when he smiled. She adored his mysterious, self-assured, romantic gaze, and wanted to feel it caressing her again. She wanted to kiss him, to touch him, to talk with him, and to make love to him. Never had a man created such wild feelings within her.
    After a time Alysa returned to bed, closed her eyes, and helplessly summoned the enchanting stranger to visit her dreams…
    She walked toward the tall man who was chopping wood near a small hut in a lovely glen. His exertions and the heat of the sun caused moisture to form and glisten on his bare torso. His sleek muscles rippled as he labored easily. Her gaze traveled up firm legs, over slim hips clad in a leather warrior’s apron, past a tautwaist, and over a strong torso, then settled on a wet tawny head. The closer she got to him, the more her tension and warmth increased. She did not hear the ax striking against the wood; only the pounding of her heart and the muffled sounds of tranquil nature reached her ears. As a stirring breeze came from nowhere, she closed her eyes to inhale its captive fragrances and enjoy its cooling freshness.
    When Alysa opened her eyes, the handsome male was smiling down into her upturned face. Her trembling fingers teased over his lips, then her hand encircled his head to bring his mouth to hers. She shuddered with desire at his taste. When his arms tightly banded her body, she did not mind the way his sweaty body dampened her

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