Holly Madison (Sins of the Father, 2)

Free Holly Madison (Sins of the Father, 2) by Jen Khan

Book: Holly Madison (Sins of the Father, 2) by Jen Khan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Khan
Tags: Romance
stomach, up to his chest, and then back down to his side, where she concentrated on the large scar that was a daily reminder of that day when he lost his mother to that drunk driving bastard.  She scooted her body down and trailed soft kisses from end to end along the scar.  His body trembled under each kiss. 
    What the hell was this woman doing to him?

    Tristan opened his eyes and trained them on the ceiling above.  He blinked away sleep.  The sun was shining through the blinds and he could feel the heat on his face. 
    He turned his head and stared across the bed at an empty pillow.  Sitting up, leaning on his elbows, and looking around the room, he realized that there was something very important missing. 
    Panic surged through him before settling in his gut.  He wasn’t used to feeling this way for anyone.  He also wasn’t used to inviting a woman to spend the night.  Or waking up to her scent on him—a reminder of what he’d had the night before.  And seeing that it was nowhere to be found was cruel. 
    Then he realized he wasn’t in his apartment.  He was in Holly’s.
    The aroma of coffee filled the air.
    He rolled out of bed, snagged his boxers, which were discarded on the floor, found his jeans, put them on, and stalked out of her room to the kitchen, where he damn near tripped and lost his footing at the sight of her.
    She was still wearing his tee, which looked absolutely amazing on her.  If he could, he would force her to wear nothing but his shirts. 
    Holly was frying bacon and singing horribly out of tune while shaking her ass all over the kitchen.  He crossed his arms over his broad chest and leaned against the breakfast bar with a wide grin on his face. 
    God, she was sexy.
    She raised the spatula above her head, which caused his shirt to lift slightly higher, revealing a hint of her ass.  Then she did a sexy little shimmy.  She spun on her heels and stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes grew frantically wide.  She swiftly lowered her arms by her sides and squealed.
    Her hair had that wild-yet-sexy just-woke-up look to it and her beautiful face was without makeup.   Tristan’s smile grew as he took in the gorgeous sight before him. 
    “Don’t let me stop you.  I’m just enjoying the show.”
    “I’m making you breakfast.”
    Her words caused a trail of warmth to flow through him, settling deep within his gut.  He uncrossed his arms and marched toward her.  Her body turned to face his when he rounded the bar into the kitchen.
    He cupped the back of her neck, hooked his arm around her waist, brought her to him, and crashed his lips to hers.  It was long, slow, and deep.  He couldn’t fulfill his need for her in that moment, so he deepened it further, drinking her in.  Once he had what he desired, he lifted his lips and opened his eyes.  She followed suit. 
    Tristan smiled.  So did she.
    “Good morning, cupcake.”
    “That’s one hell of a good morning,” she breathed.
    “Yeah, well, it’s not often that I find a stunning woman in my shirt cooking me breakfast while shaking her sweet ass all over the kitchen.”
    “Oh!  The bacon!” Holly quickly turned out of his arms and dashed across to the stove. “Good,” she muttered.  “I was worried that I burned it.”
    Tristan moved to the cupboard, where he knew she stashed her mugs and plates.  He retrieved two of each placing them on the bar, and filled their mugs with coffee. 
    “I’m making pancakes too.”
    He loved her pancakes and bacon.  The woman had the whole package.  Sex appeal, class, and superior cooking skills. 
    Yeah, he was going to do everything he could to ensure that he kept her around for as long as she was willing to keep him.  Eventually, she’d see what a bad decision getting involved with him was, but while he had her, he was going to savor every minute of it.  Right after he enjoyed her amazing pancakes and bacon.


    I move against Tristan and pull myself up

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