Red & Her Big Bad Dom

Free Red & Her Big Bad Dom by Sydney St. Claire

Book: Red & Her Big Bad Dom by Sydney St. Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney St. Claire
Tags: Erotic Romace
    Her wolf chuckled. “Do you now? Well, if you’re sure.” He bent his head and closed his lips over her clit. He took her hard and fast, sucking her swollen nub and flicking the head with his tongue. His fingers curled inside her.
    The minute he hit her sweet spot, Lucy bucked, strained against the belt holding her hands captive, and screamed his name. He didn’t stop. Fingers, tongue, lips worked together until she thought she’d explode.
    Then he did the unthinkable. He stopped and removed his fingers and mouth.
    Lucy wailed as she crashed back to earth with a painful thud. “Sir!” Her eyes latched onto his dark mask, the glitter of his blue eyes intent. A single strand of blond hair curled near his ear.
    “Didn’t give you permission, little sub.”
    She gasped, wiggled her hips and glared at her Dom. “You are a cruel, cruel man, Sir.”
    His full lips curved into an unrepentant smile. “Yeah, and you love that about me, don’t you, pet?”
    “Please, Sir. I need to come.”
    “Admit it.”
    His voice sizzled through her, demanding obedience, thrilling her. As much as she loved what he did to her, pulled from her, she also liked challenging him just to hear the command in his voice.
    “Not fair,” she gasped. “You can’t leave me like this.” He wouldn’t, just as she knew her orgasm would be sweeter because he’d made her wait and fight for it.
    “Tell me you love it when I torment you.” He slipped two fingers inside her, one stingy inch each.
    Lucy moaned and tried to take him deeper, but his arm across her belly kept her hips flat on the table. Another inch, then another, until he was buried deep. Her core flared with heat, and the ache deep beneath her clit rose.
    His gaze held hers, his eyes glittering. “I can tease you all night, Red, and not let you come.”
    He could. She’d pushed him more than once and learned his control far outlasted hers. Still, she wasn’t ready. They’d both receive a bigger reward when she finally surrendered to her wolf.
    “Not nice, Mr. Wolf.” Her voice ended on a squeal when he scissored his fingers and fingerfucked her fast and hard, driving her back to her peak.
    “Admit it, Red, or I stop. I’ll make you wait two hours before our next round.” He closed his mouth over her clit and teased her with his tongue.
    God, she needed this man. The thought of waiting even five minutes more was more than she could handle.
    “Last chance, pet.”
    There it was, her last warning. She jerked her hips up. “You win. I admit it,” she gasped.
    “What do you admit?”
    “I love the way you tease me and make me wait. I love what your hands and mouth do.”
    He sucked her clit hard, his lips pinching the sensitive nub, and she cried out. “And I love teasing you, taunting you, and making you beg. Come now, my sweet sub.” He shoved her up and over the edge.
    Lucy screamed, bucked her hips, and flew apart.
    “Beautiful.” He rode her orgasm with her hips bucking and her clit grinding against his mouth. He waited until her body relaxed but for a few pulsating jerks, then eased his mouth away and moved up her body. Releasing her hands, he tossed the sash over his shoulders and kissed her deep and thoroughly.
    Lucy kissed him back, giving her body time to calm. When her breathing had evened out, he broke the kiss and rolled off the table to stand beside her. She propped herself on her elbows. “Yeah, you do torment me, and you do it so well.” She sat up. “My turn. Please, Sir, may I have my candy and eat them any way I want?” Though he was the Dominant, he allowed her the freedom to take charge as well.
    “Yes, pet. And what am I going to do while you’re, er, eating your candy?” His eyes twinkled beneath his mask.
    “You, Sir, will hopefully get naked and stand there and watch me enjoy all my goodies.” Lucy scooted her pile of candy to the edge of the table and eyed her wolf with pleasure and no small amount of lust as he stepped out of

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