The Pike River Phantom

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Book: The Pike River Phantom by Betty Ren Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betty Ren Wright
Charlie peeked over her head. At first he could see no one, though the humming was louder. Then the graceful figure of a girl spun lightly across the room. She whirled, long black hair fanning out over her shoulders. Charlie leaned forward, trying to see the girl’s face as she dipped and turned. This couldn’t be the old woman, or even the middle-aged woman he’d talked to on the sun porch. And yet—she danced on tiptoes toward the door—yet it was the same person. She was no more than seventeen or eighteen now, and as lovely as a Gypsy princess. He couldn’t mistake those glittering eyes.
    â€œYou said she was old,” Rachel whispered. “She’s not much older than we are, Charlie.”
    â€œShe was old the last time I saw her,” Charlie retorted. “Can I help it if she keeps changing!”
    â€œShe’s so pretty! You never said—” Rachel shifted from one knee to the other and lost her balance. She fell heavily against Charlie, who stumbled backward against the opposite wall.
    The humming stopped. For a moment there was silence, and then a shriek of rage that made Charlie gasp. Rachel collapsed on the floor, and the girl towered over them, her face contorted.
    â€œWhat are you doing here?” she screamed. Charlie saw that she was glaring at Rachel, not at him. “How dare you come here? Don’t you have any shame? Wicked! Wicked!”
    Rachel gave a squawk of pure terror as the girl raised her arm. Charlie dragged his cousin to her feet.
    â€œGet out!” the phantom screamed. “Get out of my house!” She took another step toward them, and Charlie and Rachel retreated, half-running, half-falling down the steps. The ghost-girl followed, arms outstretched. Her fury was like a wall pushing them downstairs, across the hall, and out the front door.
    â€œGo away!” she screamed. “Oh, you’re going to be sorry for what you’ve done. You’ll be sorry for everything! I’ll see to that!”
    Charlie slammed the door behind them, and they raced down the porch steps and through the garden. He looked back only once, certain that if the ghost pursued them out of the house, he’d fall over and die of fright on the spot. But the heavy door remained shut, the windows blank and staring.
    It looks like an empty house , he thought. We’re running away from an empty house , and he ran faster than ever.
    â€œHave to stop!” Rachel hiccuped. They dived into the shelter of the trees, gasping for breath. Charlie glanced at her, then looked away quickly, pretending not to see the tears that streaked her face.
    â€œThat—that girl—” she hiccuped again, “she hates me!” Her voice shook. “Why should she hate me ? What did I ever do to her?”
    Charlie didn’t know the answer, but he was sure his cousin was right. It was seeing Rachel that had set off that frenzy of rage.
    â€œI think she’s crazy!” Rachel exclaimed. “Really insane.” She shuddered and walked on ahead along the narrow road. “Did you see the look in her eyes? She’s not normal , Charlie!”
    Charlie might have laughed, but his knees were still shaking, and he didn’t want Rachel more upset than she was already. Still, it was pretty funny to talk about a phantom being normal or not normal.
    â€œI don’t see how a ghost can be insane,” he said. “You’re not changing your mind, are you? About whether she’s a ghost or not?”
    â€œOf course she’s a ghost.” They emerged onto the highway and stood for a minute watching a tractor crawling across a field. It was a peaceful sight, comforting to look at after what had just happened. “She’s a ghost, all right. And not just because you say so, Charlie.”
    He waited, knowing there was more to come.
    â€œDidn’t you notice the floor?”
    That superior tone again. “What do you

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