The Demon Hunter

Free The Demon Hunter by Kevin Emerson

Book: The Demon Hunter by Kevin Emerson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Emerson
the stone wall. Oliver eyed a disorderly pile of boxes atop it. They were from Phlox’s birthday back in July. The pile had been moved down here from the living room after the party. The fact that Phlox had not immediately organized the boxes and stored them in their proper places—and had now let a month go by—was further evidence that his parents were not themselves these days.
    Under the guise of being helpful, Oliver started organizing the pile, folding up the materials that vampires reused over and over to give gifts: satin wrapping, horse mane ribbons, and wooden boxes that collapsed on hinged sides.
    What he was really after, though, was a maroon wood box with gold etchings of dragonlike Pyreth demons: creatures from the lower worlds that inhabited the borderlands, like the caverns around The Yomi. They were fiercely territorial, and so were often used as symbolic guardians. This box was the perfect size to hold Oliver’s ever-growing Emalie collection.
    As he turned, he was overwhelmed by a noxious odor. He saw that Bane’s coffin was slightly ajar. Phlox had told Bane it was his responsibility to sift his own sleeping soil, and it had clearly been months since Bane had done so. That pungent bacterial smell, mixed with the lethal aroma of Bane’s new cologne, was hideous and yet, strong as the smell was, Oliver’s sensitive nose could tell that it was old. Bane hadn’t come home since breakfast the other night.
    Oliver headed upstairs and was just entering the kitchen when Karma’s voice caught his ear.
    â€œThis second attack took place in the early morning hours …”
    Phlox was watching the screen over a mug of coffee.
    â€œThe victim was out delivering newspapers with his father.”
    A disheveled, tearstained man appeared. “He ran around to the side of the building, that’s where the mailboxes are, and I heard a scream …”
    â€œPolice are doubling their efforts to find the killer animal.”
    â€œHave you seen your brother lately?” Phlox asked, peering at Oliver.
    â€œNot since yesterday,” said Oliver truthfully.
    Phlox shook her head. “Well, I suppose he’ll get around to coming home sooner or later. I know I shouldn’t worry about him.”
    â€œOur sources indicate that the investigation has not ruled out the possibility of further involvement by the cadáveres gang.”
    Sebastian entered the kitchen, shaking his head. “Sounds like it’s definitely a vampire.”
    â€œDid Half-Light call?” Phlox asked.
    â€œTsss,” Sebastian hissed, scowling. “I don’t know who they’ve got on the case, but it’s clearly not me.” He gave his regrowing arm a sour glance.
    â€œThat’s fine with me,” said Phlox. “I’d be even better if Charles would come home.”
    Oliver saw the tight lines on Phlox’s face and felt a squirming worry in his own gut. Another attack, coinciding with Bane being gone. But why should I care? Oliver thought, annoyed. If Bane was involved in the killings, that was his problem, not Oliver’s. Except that it kind of was. Oliver thought about what Seth had said, how Phlox avoided the sewers, and even how Half-Light wasn’t calling Sebastian to help with this crisis. If Bane was behind this, he was only going to screw things up even more for the whole family.
    Yeah, but if I was in this kind of trouble, would Bane even take a second to worry about me? Probably not, though he had tried to help Oliver last winter. Bane had wanted to fix Oliver by having him kill a human. Of course, Bane’s actions had given Lythia the opportunity to turn Dean into a zombie, but still—he couldn’t use his brother as a standard for how to act. After all, they were very different.
    â€œGuys,” Oliver said carefully. “I don’t know if it’s important but—” Phlox and Sebastian both turned to him.

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