The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Leerene Evans

Book: The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Leerene Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leerene Evans
Tags: Romance
stretched out twice the length of their bodies and nearly two feet wide. On each of their foreheads was a small horn, though they differed in lengths. The white one’s horn was about four inches long, while the black one had a horn that was nearly six inches long. Both were bigger than the Clydesdales she’d seen in parks and on Budweiser commercials.
    “This is Rysad and Alyla. They’re pegamies , winged horses,” Dorin said, urging her closer.
    “They’re beautiful,” Rianne murmured.
    “Yes, and very proud. They only allow certain people to ride them. I have been riding Rysad since I was a boy. His mate, Alyla, has been waiting for you,” Dorin told her.
    “Me? Why me?” Rianne asked, looking at the white horse-creature.
    “Because she is mated to Rysad and so can only allow my mate to ride her,” Dorin explained.
    “So she’s never been ridden before?” Rianne asked, holding her hand out to Alyla.
    “No,” Dorin answered, watching her.
    “Then how do you know she’ll let me ride her?” Rianne questioned, smiling as Alyla pressed her nose into Rianne’s hand.
    “Because she knows you, just as Rysad knows me,” Dorin said simply, petting his own pegamy .
    “What about saddles?” Rianne asked.
    “Alyla will not let you fall,” Dorin assured her.
    Rianne bit her lip, knowing any further doubts she voiced would be met with that same assurance. Dorin grinned as she continued to pet Alyla, marveling at the softness of her fur.
    “Are you ready to ride her?” Dorin asked.
    “I’m not sure how,” Rianne said nervously.
    Even as she said the words, Alyla bowed down on her front two legs, lowering her body enough so Rianne could easily climb onto the beast’s back. Dorin chuckled at her surprised gasp, climbing onto Rysad’s back easily.
    “Trust her, danalya . She won’t steer you wrong,” Dorin promised.
    Tentatively, Rianne moved to Alyla’s side, her hand trailing through the fur. Alyla gave a soft whinny as Rianne hoisted herself onto the pegamy’s back. She waited until Rianne was settled before standing to her full height. Rianne instantly grabbed hold of Alyla’s mane, gripping the smooth hair tightly in her hands.
    “Oh, my. This is high,” Rianne breathed, looking down at the ground.
    “Alyla won’t let you fall,” Dorin reassured her.
    Rianne nodded, focusing on keeping her seat more than on his words. Alyla nickered, turning her large head around to nip gently at Rianne’s shoes. Laughing at the playful gesture, Rianne finally relaxed into the horse-like creature.
    “Good. Now, how about a ride?” Dorin asked, grinning slyly.
    “As in fly?” Rianne asked, instantly tensing back up again.
    Dorin laughed at her obvious unease, throwing his head back as the sound echoed through the trees. Rysad shifted underneath him, snorting in what appeared to be impatience.
    “Not for your first time. I thought you might like to see more of the countryside. There’s a hill a few miles away that’s tall enough for you to see the ocean from the peak. I thought we might ride there. On the ground,” Dorin added, teasing her.
    “I didn’t realize we were that close to the sea,” Rianne said as they began moving.
    Alyla seemed perfectly content following Rysad’s lead through the woods, keeping pace with the larger male easily. Rianne let the pegamy have the lead, unsure about how to control the beast.
    “We’re closer to the sea than the mountains, which is good for many of our people. We have villages within our borders that are made up entirely of sea shifters. They live closest to the sea, but we can get to them within an hour if need be,” Dorin told her as they rode along.
    “Exactly how big is your kingdom?” Rianne asked, wanting to learn more about this mysterious place.
    “The wolves’ territory stretches from the eastern shore of Emddyn Bay to the west along the shore of the Roertia Sea. We have all the territory to the north and go as far south as the Liald River,

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