“The sooner this begins, the sooner it will come to an end,” he retorted in an offhand manner, wincing at the sudden screech of a violin. “And the sooner I can return to tossing invitations to musicales into the rubbish bin where they belong.”
“Yes.” That sly smile remained. “There is no doubt that it will be rather a trial upon you for the next few weeks. I do hope that your nerves can bear the strain.”
“A trial?”
“Well, you will be forced to endure the more tame social entertainments that are proper for a débutante , and of course, make the occasional effort to drive her through the park or call upon her at home.”
Hellion gave an indifferent shrug. “I am prepared to make the necessary sacrifices.”
Biddles lifted a lace handkerchief to dab at the point of his nose. “And then there will be all the tedious gossip that will haunt you. There are far too many gentlemen envious of your popularity, and vindictive females who did not manage to capture your elusive attention, not to stir rumors that you are so desperate for a fortune you must pursue a mousy chit who still smells of the country.”
Hellion’s lips tightened at the unflattering description of Miss Middleton. He felt an unaccountable urge to give his friend a sharp shake.
“I thought you approved of my accepting Miss Middleton’s proposal?” he said instead.
“But of course I do,” Biddles protested. “I simply desired you to be prepared for what is certainly to come.”
“You of all people should know that I have yet to concern myself with what others say about me.”
“True enough,” the smaller gentleman conceded.
“Do you have any further warnings?”
“Ah well, there is always the tedium of making conversation with a giddy, giggling débutante .”
Hellion couldn’t prevent his sudden laugh. Obviously Biddles had never spent any time in the company of this particular débutante .
“I can assure you that Miss Middleton is neither giddy nor does she giggle. In truth she is distressingly sensible.”
“A sensible female?” The pale eyes glittered with humor. “Surely you jest?”
“It does seem unlikely, but she is not at all the usual female.” Hellion smiled wryly. “Did you know she is in control of her fortune and personally handles her father’s investments?”
Biddles mused over the words for a long moment. “How terribly odd. Who would have thought such a thing from a mere mouse?”
“Mouse?” Hellion lifted his brows in mocking amusement. “She is a shrew with the tongue of a rapier and a habit of expecting others to pander to her will.”
“Egads.” Biddles shuddered with horror. “That is worse than a giggling maiden.”
“Actually, she is not so difficult to manage once you properly instruct her as to who is in command,” Hellion countered, his expression unconsciously softening with recollections of his delicious instructions.
“Indeed?” Biddles narrowed his gaze. “And what was the precise nature of these instructions?”
“Ah, now that is a matter I am not prepared to discuss with even you, my dear friend.”
Biddles chuckled but there was a hint of warning in his expression. “Just ensure your instructions do not land you in the nearest church, Hellion.”
Oddly Hellion did not even flinch at the warning. “I have full faith that you will keep such a hideous prospect from occurring.”
“Do not be so smug in my abilities, Hellion. Thus far I have discovered nothing of value.”
Something in his tone had Hellion raising his brows in surprise. “But you have discovered something?”
“Just some rather obscure contracts that I wish to pursue.”
Biddles shrugged. “It is all I possess at the moment.”
On the point of discovering more of these seemingly mysterious contracts, Hellion was halted as he felt a peculiar tingle arrow down his spine. He knew before he ever turned that Miss Middleton had entered the room.
James Patterson, Martin Dugard