Mystery of Crocodile Island

Free Mystery of Crocodile Island by Carolyn G. Keene

Book: Mystery of Crocodile Island by Carolyn G. Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn G. Keene
    “Oh, dear!” Bess wailed. “Now they know where we’re staying.”
    “So what?” George said. “This isn’t the first time Nancy has been threatened over the phone by her adversaries!”
    Danny tried to break the tension. “Bess, will you stop worrying? After all, you have me to protect you!”
    Bess laughed, and after a while the mysterious call was forgotten.
    Next morning Nancy watched eagerly for the mailman. When he came up the street, she ran from the house to meet him. He smiled at her and asked, “Is a Miss Anne Boonton staying here?”
    “Yes,” Nancy replied. “Do you have a letter for her?”
    “Indeed I do,” the man replied. “And a lot of others. You want to take them?”
    “I’ll be glad to,” Nancy said, and he handed her the bundle.
    She thanked him, then hurried into the house and quickly scanned the stack. The one addressed to Anne Boonton was near the bottom. Nancy opened the envelope. The letter read:
    Dear Anne:
    I had a phone call from Hal Gimler today. He told me that one of our employees, Colombo Banks, has run away. He suspects that the workman escaped in a skiff with three girls and a boy in it.
    Gimler thinks that Colombo may cause trouble and asked me to locate him. I was wondering, was your group responsible for his rescue, and do you know where he is? Gimler threatens to have him arrested for stealing.
    If you have any information about Colombo, meet me at my club for lunch tomorrow.
    “That’s today,” Nancy said to herself.
    By this time Bess, George, and the Cosgroves had joined her and wanted to know what the letter said. She read it to them.
    When she finished, Mr. Cosgrove said, “You’d better go to the club and talk to Mr. Gonzales.”
    “There’s only one problem,” George said. “Nancy might be followed. Now that the Ecology people know where we’re staying, they may have this place staked out.”
    “Well,” Mr. Cosgrove said, “we belong to the same club as Mr. Gonzales, and we know many other members. Perhaps you could meet one of them and get a ride.”
    “That’s a good plan,” Nancy said. “Now we just have to figure out how I get from here to wherever I’ll meet this person.”
    Bess had a suggestion. “Danny and Nancy are about the same size. Couldn’t she wear his clothes and cover her hair with a golf hat?”
    Nancy laughed. “I wouldn’t want to have lunch with Mr. Gonzales in dungarees and a T-shirt!”
    “True,” Mrs. Cosgrove agreed. Then her face lit up. “I have it!” she said. “The delivery boy from Drummond’s Market is due here at about eleven. He drives a van. I’ll tell him to back up to our attached garage so you can slip into the van unseen. Then he can drop you off downtown.”
    “That sounds great,” Nancy agreed.
    “Okay. I’ll call my friend Mrs. Grote and see if she’s playing golf today. If so, she can meet you at a drugstore on the main street. She has to pass it on the way to the club. What shall I tell her you’ll be wearing?”
    “If I put on my dark-blue pants suit, I might still be taken for a boy from a distance, provided I cover my hair,” Nancy replied.
    Mr. Cosgrove said he had a hat he used on the golf course, and offered to lend it to Nancy. “Come with me and see if it fits,” he said.
    While Nancy was gone, Mrs. Cosgrove called her friend, who agreed to pick up Nancy at the drugstore.
    Ten minutes later the girl detective appeared again, dressed in a blue pants suit with white collar and cuffs, and the white golf hat.
    “Oh, you look cute!” Bess exclaimed. “Not quite like Danny, but close!”
    Just then Danny walked into the room and overheard Bess’s remark. “You’ve got to be kidding!” he protested. “I don’t own a fancy getup like that, and if I did, I’d give it away quick!”
    Everyone laughed, and Nancy said, “All that counts is that from a distance I don’t look like me!”
    “Nancy,” Mrs. Cosgrove said, “Mrs. Grote will meet you at

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