Gregory, Lisa
to greet you when you arrived," Amelia
said, shooting her niece a disapproving look. "But the servants didn't
tell me you were here."
sorry, Miss Fritham. I came to apologize to you and your niece for having been
so remiss in not calling on you. There was a death in my family, and I was
called away to Nantucket."
how dreadful for you, Lieutenant!" Amelia's ready sympathy rose to the
surface, submerging her disapproval. She was also afforded one of her favorite
topics of conversation—death and funerals—and she plunged into questions and
finally stopped her aunt's morbid flow of words by saying, "Auntie, I fear
we have delayed Lieutenant Perkins much too long. I know he must need to return
to naval headquarters."
lieutenant shot her a grateful glance and took his cue. "Yes, I'm afraid I
must go. I hope that I might have the privilege of calling on you again
you like—you're always welcome here," Katherine said, then added,
"Lieutenant Perkins, I realize that of course you are in mourning, but
perhaps you might join us for dinner some evening. Not a party, of course, just
the family."
you. I should very much like to."
Then Wednesday, say? We dine at seven."
shall be here."
Amelia's expression turned to one of alarm, and, after the man took his leave,
she turned to Katherine, highly flustered. "Oh, Katherine, you shouldn't
have done that!"
he's in mourning."
heavens, one doesn't become a pariah just because he's in mourning. I should
think it would make him feel better to be able to spend an evening with friends
instead of alone with his grief."
but it makes it seem like he is more than—"
what? He is more than a casual acquaintance. I count Lieutenant Perkins
as one of my friends."
dear, whatever will Amanda say?" Amelia fretted.
should she say anything? What does it have to do with her?"
she's your aunt."
right. But she's not my mother. There's no need for her to know everything I
do. Nor is there any need for her to voice an opinion about it."
will your father say?"
'Splendid!' He likes Lieutenant Perkins."
turned and swept out of the room. The weight of the gun in her pocket gave her a
pleasantly secure feeling and a brief smile curved her lips. No doubt that
loathsome man Hampton thought he'd won; how pleasant it would be to see the
look of surprise on his face.

me fix your hair up different this morning, mum," Peg said eagerly as she
brushed Katherine's hair the next morning. Pegeen had noticed with satisfaction
the change in Katherine's mood; she was sure now that her mistress was in love
with the grave lieutenant. And Pegeen intended to do everything she could to
help Katherine get him. If only she could get her to take care with her looks.
to be different. A little more fullness around the face, Miss Kate, maybe a
couple of side curls—"
I am not a young girl. I am twenty-four years old, and I can't go around with
foolish curls all over my head."
miss, you never would fix your hair different. It looks like an old maid!"
Katherine smiled briefly. "That's what I am, Pegeen."
if you'd take a little trouble to look pretty."
made a face, but pulled Katherine's hair back into a severe bun.
I'd like for you to do something."
the muffs I carry and on the inside of each make a little pocket—about this
big." She measured with her hands.
miss." Pegeen's eyes sparkled. No doubt it was a little pocket for secret
love notes.
she and her father set forth for the office, Katherine found that her heart was
beating in trepidation and excitement. Despite her little handgun, she was
still frightened of the captain, but she had regained her bravery and looked
forward to a confrontation with him—scared she might be, but she'd not

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