Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4)

Free Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4) by Marita A. Hansen

Book: Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4) by Marita A. Hansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marita A. Hansen
    “Bring your partner.”
    “I thought you were supposed to partner
up with me tonight.”
    “I don’t know how long I’ll be at the
pub, and I don’t want you dealing with Morris on your own.” He glanced back to
make sure Josie wasn’t listening. Not seeing her, he continued, “He’s a woman
    “You know I’m more than capable of
taking care of myself. If he tries anything, he’ll be seeing stars.”
    “Don’t underestimate him. Ant originally
hired him as an underground MMA fighter. He rarely lost a fight; he even bit a
man’s nose off in one match.”
    “Christ! Okay, I’ll ask Liam to come.
See you later.” She hung up.
    Saul pocketed his phone and hopped into
the driver’s side.
    Smiling, Josie placed a hand on his lap.
“I forgot to thank you for saving my cousins from those horrible men.”
    “It was nothing.” Saul fired up the
engine and backed out.
    “It wuzn’t nuthin’, you’re a hero.” She
squeezed his leg.
    Not feeling like one, Saul swung the car
around and drove past Morris.
    Josie ran her hand up his leg, stopping
close to his crotch. “You’re lucky that Beth wuzn’t home, cos I’m much more fun
than her. All she cares ’bout nowadays is her man-whore of a boyfriend.”
    “I’m only interested in Beth in regards
to the case.”
    “Don’t play me, there’s sumpthin’ goin’
on between you two, I know it.” She tapped her head. “I can sense these things,
but if you know what’s good for you, stay away from her. She’s not worth your
time, cos she’s a cheat. Whereas me,” she ran her hand over his cock, “I’m a
one-man kind of girl,” she said, giving it a squeeze.
    Inhaling sharply, he slammed his foot on
the brake. Josie jerked forward, letting go of his cock.
    He breathed out. “Don’t do that again.”
    “Sorry,” she replied. “I thought you
might like it.”
    “Not that hard and definitely not
while I’m driving. Also, ask before you touch,” he said, his mind going to Beth.
He hadn’t asked her, had just taken what he’d wanted.
    “Sorry,” Josie said again. “I didn’t
meana upset you.”
    He resumed driving. “I’m fine, just
don’t do it again.”
    She slumped in her seat. “Then take me
    He glanced at her. “What about the pub?”
    “It’ll be full of my slapper friends,
who will swarm all over you like ants on honey if they think you’re not interested
in me.”
    “Who said I’m not interested?” he asked,
knowing he couldn’t take her home with Morris hanging around.
    She sat up straight. “You like me?”
    “Yeah, you seem nice enough.”
    “No, I mean, do you like like
    He glanced at her again, wondering
whether the woman had low self esteem. “If you’re asking if I think you’re
attractive, yes you are.”
    Grinning, she placed her hand on his leg
again. He looked down at it. She whipped her hand back. “Sorry, I lose all sense
when I’m with hot men, and you’re totally drool-worthy. I can’t believe I’m
even sittin’ next to you; it’s like sittin’ next to The Rock. Do ya know you
look a bit like him? Are you Samoan or Tongan?”
    “Half Samoan and half Irish.”
    “I’m half Irish too!” She bounced in her
seat. “Though, you totally don’t look Irish, not even an itsy bit.” She touched
his cheek. “You have a lovely complexion, like caramel. It makes me wanna lick
your face to see if you taste like it.” She giggled. “I’m joking of course,
well, sort of, cos I really do wanna lick you all over. You’re totally
scrumptious-looking. Hope you don’t mind me sayin’ it. Actually, why would you?
It’s totally a compliment, like a major one, cos I’ve only ever wanted to lick
one other guy and he turned out to be a nasty ho bag. Actually, I would’ve
licked his brother too, cos Ash looks just like Dante.”
    Saul laughed, now finding Josie amusing.
    “What’s so funny?”
    “You’re cute as a button.”
    She scowled. “I’m not cute, I’m

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