The Lion
woman.” She turned to Tauri. “And although I've warned Tauri about letting men in her panties, she doesn't always listen.”
      Rion paused and ran a slow hand down his face as Tauri responded, “Granny, Orion didn't come here to discuss my panties.” Tauri cut a look at him.
      “Millie, leave these young people alone. I got your panties on the first date,” her grandfather reprimanded.
    Tauri lowered her head into her hand and Rion smiled.
      “Don't you discuss my panties Henry Patterson!” her grandmother cried.
      Henry moved closer to his wife. “And they were the only panties I ever wanted.” He kissed her cheek.
    Millie gently pushed at him with a soft smile. “Go away Henry.”
      Henry smiled at her. “Now, why don't you and baby girl go and check on all that food you've cooked and let me and this young fella have a little chat before we eat?”
    Millie smiled and got to her feet. “Come on here ReRe.”
      Tauri got slowly to her feet and glanced from her grandfather to Rion. She let out a breath and followed her grandmother into the kitchen. Rion watched the women leave then turned to Tauri's grandfather wondering what was next.
      “Orion Shaw. Boy, when ReRe told us she'd met you and you were coming here, I'd about died.”
      He continued. “Coming home and bringing another team to the city? Boy, that right there...” He shook his head.
      “As a black man in this country there are a lot of things I thought I'd never see a black man achieve, yet I have...not all, but some.”
      “I understand sir,” Rion commented.
      Henry leaned forward. “This is no small thing you're trying to do. Things like this can get real messy. You afraid to get your hands dirty?” he asked cryptically.
      Rion leaned forward. “No sir. I'm trying to let their system work, but I'm not that naive to believe that it will resolve things completely, if at all.”
    Henry smiled. “I knew you were special boy...and not just on the baseball field.”
      “Thank you sir, if it wasn't for the strong black men who've come before me like you, I would never have had the opportunity to be in this position.”
    Henry nodded. “Now, about my granddaughter and her panties...” He lifted a brow.
    Rion sat up. “Your granddaughter is a beautiful, brilliant and strong woman.”
      “She's like her grandmother.”
      Rion glanced at the fireplace in the room. “May I?” he asked permission to go over and study the many photographs displayed.
      Henry nodded and Rion stood to walk over to the mantle. His gaze scanned photos of Tauri at various stages in her life. Tauri in thick glasses and then in braces, Tauri in braids, pony tails and in the  short cut, she now wore. Rion felt a stab at his heart. He pictured their own home filled with pictures of their own kids. He teased her mercilessly about having children together and as he looked over her growth through these photos, he knew she had been made for him.
      “She's so incredible,” Rion whispered.
      Henry joined Rion by the fireplace. “She's strong, stubborn and will fight to the death. She's also the sweetest, most loyal and compassionate woman you'll ever meet.”
    Rion nodded and continued to study the pictures.
      “I think you're a remarkable young man Orion Shaw but if you hurt our baby girl, I will get my hands very dirty,” Henry warned.
    Rion turned to him. “Yes sir.”
    Henry patted him on the back. “Hot damn! Orion Shaw in my living room!”

Chapter 6
      The women returned and announced that dinner was ready. They all sat at the table in the dining room with Tauri and Rion across from each other. Their gazes connected frequently and held. Her grandmother had prepared a feast fit for a king and Rion enjoyed the well-cooked meal.
      “So Rion, I understand that you're a part of the Negus here in the city,” her grandfather commented.
      Rion nodded. “Yes, along with my brother and three of our close friends.” His gaze

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