Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)
    “Why am I not surprised by that?”
    “No more questions.” He kissed me on my lips, preventing me
from saying anything else.
    His arms rested against the wall on either side of my head
as he brushed his body flush against mine. I ran my hands through his hair,
mussing up his impeccably styled locks, and groaned against his lips.
    “Come in here,” he said, breaking away from the kiss and
turning the knob on the door behind him. Jake stepped aside when I entered. The
room had a large queen size bed that took up most of the space. Jake closed and
locked the door before turning his attention to me.
    “Get on the bed,” he ordered me, as he loosened the silk tie
around his neck.
    I kicked off my heels and scooted on the bed. “So you want
something to nibble on, eh?” he asked. His eyes raked over me, settling on my
heaving breasts. The front of his pants evidenced his desire for me and I
licked my lips in anticipation.
    “Take off your dress,” he commanded, eyeing me intently.
    I did as I was told, shimmying myself out of my dress and
tossing it over the chair by the bed. I was feeling giddy with excitement. I’d
never made love on a plane before, much less a private jet. It was a new
experience and I knew it would be amazing, especially with Jake. He looked me
up and down appreciatively as I lay on the bed in my black panties and matching
    “Take everything off,” he said once he had gotten his fill
of looking at me.
    I made quick work of discarding my undergarments and sat on
my heels waiting for his next move. Jake dug in the draw of the dresser behind him
and pulled something out. I craned my neck to see but couldn’t make it out,
only that it was black. When he turned back to face me he had a mischievous
smile on his lips.
    “Come here,” he said.
    I scooted forward on the bed, curiosity eating me up. Jake
pulled out a black contraption with metal hooks and loops.
    “What’s that?” I asked.
    “You’ll find out soon enough. Now turn around and close your
    His tone brooked no argument and I knew I wouldn’t get any
answers out of him, so I did as I was told. Besides, it was fun and exciting
not knowing what was coming next. I felt a cool soft material against my face
and over my eyes. Jake tightened the fabric over my eyes so that I was
completely blind.
    “I’m going to tie you up. Put your hands behind your back,”
Jake ordered.
    I’d never been blindfolded and tied up before. It was a
vulnerable position to be in but I knew I could trust Jake. He grasped my right
wrist and I felt a soft velvety fabric brush against it before being tightened.
Jake did the same to my other wrist and hooked the two together. I tried to
pull my hands apart to test the tension and felt the constraining bonds hold me
tightly in place. There wasn’t much lax in the bonds.
    I felt utterly at Jake’s mercy, and it excited me more than
I could have believed. Being bound and blindfolded heightened my other senses
and made me hyper aware of each new sensation. My ears perked up as I heard
Jake unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. It made a jingling sound as his
belt buckle hit the floor. I turned my head in the direction of the sound
reflexively even though I knew I wouldn’t be able to see anything. I was
picturing Jake standing there naked in all his glory. I’d seen enough of him in
that state to get an accurate idea in my head of what he looked like. I felt
large warm hands grasp my hips and pull me back towards the edge of the bed.
    “Bend down and put your ass in the air,” he told me as he
pushed my head down. I felt completely exposed, yet in my own little world at
the same time. I could feel the warmth emanating from Jake’s body and knew he
was standing so close to me. My body grew wet in anticipation of what he was
going to do next. I arched my ass up in the air and spread my legs apart wider,
waiting for him. Instead, I felt a stinging slap across my bare bottom.
    “Ow!” I

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