Billionaires Meet Millionaire (A Steamy Romance)
street, clutching her bag against her chest and just hoping
that somebody would be there.
    As she
came up to number 2 Olta recognized the house. It was the place
Maggie and she had gawked over when they first arrived, not even
two weeks ago. It was an abundantly decorated Victorian mansion
with a driveway fit for two cars running up to it. Being thoroughly
drenched by the hard rain Olta really didn't care for the driveway
or the exterior of house right now. All she wanted was to be
    Niall was slouching in the television room. Friday afternoon was
the only time of the week nobody was home and he enjoyed it. It was
usually the quiet for the storm but he did savour it so. On Friday
both his father and Matilda were out for the evening. Father would
be with his mistress and Matilda would visit her sister. This meant
that there was no adult supervision. For Niall, however,this meant
that he usually went out before seven, which was when Daniel would
return from basketball practice. After basketball practice Daniel
liked to indulge in some dancing with Niall and Niall begrudgingly
had to admit that he was the lesser dancer of the two. Whether it
was because Daniel was two months older or better genes or his
overall better fitness, Niall didn't know. All Niall knew was that
Daniel always had the upper hand. That was why he was the King.
Tonight, however, Niall intended to dance a little. Daniel's
behaviour was still very disconcerting. Nothing remarkable had
happened over the last couple of days, neither at home or at school
but Niall noticed his brother's eye wander to Olta
continuously.Niall feared that she was indeed a 'special case' and
that would only mean trouble. He needed to know what his brother
was up to.
school Niall had made sure that Olta didn't leave his sight. And
Alice had taken it upon herself to escort her to the ladies room to
make sure that the other menace didn't get chance to scratch Olta's
eyes out. From what Alice had heard that seemed a true
    If Niall
had thought that he liked Olta on Tuesday morning, he hadbeen sadly
mistaken. The last week he spent by either looking at, thinking
about or dreaming of Olta. He had it bad and the worst of it was
that he didn't seem capable to do anything about it. It seemed that
he been rendered totally incapable of even the most basic
conversational skills let alone any prowess of seduction. Alice,
Peter and Bailey hadn't missed this change in their friend and they
were having a field day with it. Being the butt of their collective
joke was not what he wanted to be. Bailey held that position and
was comfortable there. Niall, he knew now, was not.
    As far
as he and his friends were concerned their quartet had become
quintet, regardless of the fact that Olta seemed hell bent on
spending as little time as possible with them. They had invited her
along to hang with them yesterday and the day before and she had
simply declined, saying she needed to do her homework. "Tirana
doesn't take kindly to invitations." Niall thought with a wry
wondered why though. Didn't she like them, did she really not like
him or were Alice and Matilda right. Was it a case of truly severe
insecurity? Alice seemed convinced that Olta thought that they just
tolerated her because she was Niall' job.
you noticed how she excuses herself all the time. How she doesn't
know how to handle a compliment. How she doesn't really share
anything.And come on, homework? That's just the lamest excuse."
Alice had said on Wednesday afternoon, drinking one of those fruity
mixes she always drank.
    "I just
figured she doesn't like us, me enough." Niall had muttered. Alice
had snorted in very un- lady manner and followed it up with loud
laughter. Niall had glared at her, people from neighbouring tables
had looked at them and from their spot at pool table Peter

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