Billionaires Meet Millionaire (A Steamy Romance)
sensible spot was met with an adamant refusal. So
Alice had accompanied her back to her locker for her lunch and then
she had joined them in the cafeteria. It actually proved a good
place to learn more about the student body and its inner
    As she
had observed during the Tuesday morning ride it wasn't all that
unlike from her old school. There were generally the same divides
amongst the students. Her school had its jocks, preps, geeks,
punks, skaters and so forth. The great difference was the rigidity
of the divides. She was used to people mingling. Sure, people hang
out with their own cliques but there was a common practice for
different cliques to hang out together. Popularity was a rather
non-existent concept. Here, it was clear, popularity was a
commodity and DanielFoy was its most important broker.
lunch he would sit at the table next to theirs and well, Olta could
only say that he held court. His table would filled by everybody he
deemed worthy. The fact that Niall and friends ate at a different
table appeared to have nothing to do with their status. All four of
them would readily talk and banter with Daniel's table but never
with Daniel. Sarah and Alice were sure to include Olta in their
conversations, much to the displeasure of any single girl in the
vicinity, especially Altea and company. Olta wondered what the hell
Sarah was doing with Daniel. When he was with SarahDaniel seemed a
completely different person. He appeared congenial and pleasant.
But Olta would still catch the glint in his eye and she could help
not but admire his acting skills.
shook her head to rid herself of Daniel. Niall readily took his
place again. Oh God, what she gotten herself into. But those eyes
and that mouth and just well, him. But it was not meant to be,
surely it wasn't.
wasn't as if Niall or Alice or Peter or Will seemed to mind her.
They talked and joked with her and seemed genuinely interested in
her, and always there too. Olta really liked them but she didn't
kid herself. Altea, no matter how stupid she was, had been right
about one thing. She had been shoved down Niall' throat by Rume and
down his friends' throats by default. Though, for time being it was
nice to think she had succeeded in making friends so quickly. But
when they had invited her to tag along to some café or shop or
whatever yesterday and the day before Olta had, of course,
declined, only half-lying about homework. Her girlfriend Mortis had
reprimanded her strongly for not going with them. And thank the
Lord for the invention of the webcam, because Sarah had really
needed the visual endorsement of the uttered words. Really she
    Essentially Mortis had screamed several distinctive
profanities and assured Olta that they might actually like her,
seeing as she was a very likeable person. Or did Olta think that
Mortis and the guys had been pulling her leg all this time? And
from what Olta told it sounded like that this Niall guy at very
least liked her if not more. Had he not given her a nickname, had
he not touched her, had he not saved her from his ogre of a
brother? Olta's reminders that it was pretty much a given that if
she liked a guy the feeling wasn't mutual her friend were literally
waved away.
for you to say" Olta scoffed, kicking some none-existent pebble
away, wrapping her arms around herself as the wind was picking up.
"You always were the pretty and fun one." Olta kicked the air again
and as if it was a starting start sign the rain came down, hard.
Olta glanced at her watch. Five fifteen. Niall probably wasn't even
home anymore. Usually people did things on Friday; even she herself
was known to not come home until early Saturday morning. The wind
was turning truly foul now and Olta knew that she wasn't going to
last out here on this bench.
so now you're going to look like something the cat dragged in. Well
you'll just sweep him of his feet." Olta said to herself as she ran
up the

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