You Are a Writer

Free You Are a Writer by Jeff Goins, Sarah Mae

Book: You Are a Writer by Jeff Goins, Sarah Mae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Goins, Sarah Mae
Tags: Writing
sacrifice, a little sweat. Isn’t it?
    By all means, don’t go hungry. But don’t make this all about dollars and cents. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. And those who win treat it as such. Drip by drip. Persevering till the end.
    See you at the finish line.
    (We’re done here. Now, go do something that matters.)

What Next?
    Well, that’s up to you.
    I’m sure this book raised as many questions as it provided answers. That was the point. (Sneaky, huh?)
    But I don’t want to leave you in the dark. This was, in many ways, an introduction to a conversation that I hope continues. Plus, I’d love to hear what you thought:
What questions do you still have?
What do you need help with?
What did I miss?
    I’d love to continue helping you in your journey of picking yourself and finding your own path to spreading your ideas and seeing your words in print.
    We writers have never seen a time like the day in which we now live. I hope you take advantage of it.
    If you’d like to continue this journey, check out an online writing course I started at .
    If you have questions, you can find how to connect with me on the next page.
    By the way, thanks . You didn’t have to read this book, but you did. I appreciate your sticking with me till the end. That says something about you already.
    Remember: You are a writer. You just need to write.

Share This Book
    OK. You’re done. You’ve just finished You Are a Writer . Or, you skipped ahead to the end (likely the latter, if you’re like me — so go back and read it, then come back to this page).
    Did you hate it? Love it? Did it inspire anything or confuse you? I’d love to hear from you.
    You can tell me what you thought of this book and/or share it with your friends by visiting this website: .
    Or, you can join the discussion on Twitter: #youareawriter

Time to choose yourself.
    Start creating.

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this book are affiliate links, which means I may receive compensation if you click them. However, I only recommend services I use and love.

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