Switch (The Forever Series, Book 7)

Free Switch (The Forever Series, Book 7) by Eve Newton

Book: Switch (The Forever Series, Book 7) by Eve Newton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Newton
why would he banish you? Don’t they need you?”
    “To answer your first question, yes, Faeries are immortal.
The Fae Kings have been around for thousands of years. As for the other two,
maybe once I was turned it was decided that it would never happen, because it
wouldn’t have been possible. And clearly Drake has no daughters. That he knows
of.” He peers at me, “I am going to assume he doesn’t know about you?”
    “Corinne says not and to not go looking for him.”
    “That would be advisable,” he says wryly.
    I arch my eyebrow at him. “You know him?” I ask.
    “I have had the honor, unfortunately.”
    “What is he like?” I ask, unable to help myself.
    “You said the other you had markings?” he asks, ignoring me.
“He must have found out about her and accepted her as one of the Dark Fae.”
    “I guess so. Erm, can I tell you something that you cannot
tell anyone else?” I say a bit warily.
    “Livvie, I can assure you that this entire conversation
never happened.”
    “Even from CK?” I chew my lip and he squints at me.
    “You haven’t told him?”
    “I haven’t told anyone. I didn’t know what to make of it.”
    “Well he won’t hear it from me but you should tell him.”
    “I can’t. Not when you hear what I have to tell you.”
    “That sounds ominous. What is it?” He turns to the side to
face me and his shift makes me realize that he still has hold of my hand. I
lace my fingers through his and he squeezes tightly.
    “Her and other you, are in the process of…trying to…err…”
    “What?” he asks.
    “Make the baby,” I say quickly with a bit of a flush, as I
remember being a part of that.
    “Excuse me?” he says, eyes wide. “How do you know that?”
    “He told me.”
    “He mentioned it. Mentioned that Drake was getting impatient
and that I, erm, she had to go to Court to learn. You were already going to
your own. And Constantine told me I had to go as well. That it should already
have happened.”
    “Shit.” He drops his head to the back of the sofa. “This
is…I still can’t get my head around it. Wait!” He sits up and looks at me
again. “When you went to the future here was it like that?”
    “No, but I changed the future by shifting through time.”
    “How do you know?”
    “Because it wasn’t supposed to happen. I don’t think she
knows, or knew, but she obviously does now.”
    “So how do you know that any of this is even true in our
    I reach up and touch his face and he gasps as he feels the
sparks. “Because I know,” I say.
    “Fuck, Liv. What do we do now?”
    “I don’t know. See what happens.”
    He sighs and we sit in silence for a few minutes until a
question strikes me and I ask, “I’m not prying but how come you grew up in the
human world?”
    He looks up startled. “What makes you think I did?” he
    “You said you knew CK as a child. Also you said your
original name was Vincentius, clearly a Roman name and you said your
grandparents were Etruscan. I am going to assume that was a lie,” I say wryly.
    He smirks. “Well aren’t you just a little keeper of
    “I would have more if there was record about you in my head.
As it turns out there isn’t. I always wondered why but now I know that CK must
have had it expunged somehow to protect you.”
    He laughs out loud and says, “Oh my god. I totally forgot
about your magick brain. So you tried to do a bit of digging, did you? Well I
can tell you that my father, my real father, sent me to a human family to grow
up in Rome to train to be a warrior, they called me Vincentius. The parents of my
human family were Etruscan.”
    “So what is your real name?” I ask, leaning forward.
    “Kalen,” he says as he too leans forward.
    “Huh. Well what do you know?” I say with a smile.
    He leans back and disarms me by asking, “How are you doing?
With the whole Cole thing?”
    No need to ask where he learned that trick.
    “I am barely

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