Fenella J. Miller

Free Fenella J. Miller by A Debt of Honour

Book: Fenella J. Miller by A Debt of Honour Read Free Book Online
Authors: A Debt of Honour
           ‘Shall you write to Uncle Benjy, then, Mama? We do not wish to turn up on his doorstep, like gypsies, unannounced?’
           ‘Of course I shall write to him, Eliza. However, I think you were right not to tell Grandmamma or Sarah about this. Also, until we are certain what Wydale wishes to do regarding the staff, we shall not worry them. But we must tell Jane, Marie Baptiste and my mother’s maid, Betty. I suppose that Edmund will require to take Denver with him, but the rest will have to stay here, or be dismissed, and it’s better that they do not know this until we’re certain.’
           Eliza agreed. ‘My money can be used to provide pensions for the staff, that at least will solve that problem. I could not bear to think of our family retainers being cast aside when they are too old to find employment elsewhere. And neither do I wish them to work for Lord Wydale, they would hate it and he would not appreciate their worth.’
           ‘I should keep some money by, my dear, it will be pleasant for us to provide ourselves with a few luxuries and the occasional new gown; you can be certain that my brother will not wish to do so.’
           ‘Mama, Can I ask you not to say anything, or send that letter to my uncle, until we are sure how things stand financially? It still might be possible to pay off sufficient of the debt to enable us to move to Hockley House.’
           ‘Very well, my dear. I shall leave the matter as it is for the moment. You have a wise head on young shoulders, and you have steered us through bad times before.’ Her mother rose, her face more animated than it had been since Papa died. ‘By the way, Mr Reed said he would call tomorrow morning to see how you are.’
    Her mother smiled archly. ‘Perhaps all might yet be well? I do believe that gentleman is enamoured of you. He was white as a sheet when he called us in to attend to you.’
    Eliza felt a flicker of something warm rush through her. ‘Nonsense. Good heavens! We only met yesterday. How could he possibly have formed an attachment in so short a time?’
    Even as she spoke the words she remembered how dear Dickon had seen her sitting, like an extremely large wallflower at Almack’s, and known that she was the one he had been looking for. Was it possible that Mr Reed had also seen something in her that she could not see herself?
           ‘I’m going upstairs to change into my work clothes, Mama. I need to get out of the house, a brisk gallop around the estate might clear my head of cobwebs.’
           Perhaps she might meet Lord Wydale and be able to cover him with mud a second time. She felt a surge of anticipation as she considered the remote possibility that Mr Reed might also be riding and that their paths might inadvertently cross.
    She paused at the door. ‘Oh dear, what about Dr Smith? He will be arriving here expecting to find me unconscious and needing his attentions.’
    Before she received her answer she heard the clatter of booted feet on the stairs and
    Edmund arrived, Sarah not far behind him.
           ‘Thank God, Jane said you had taken poorly. What happened? I must say you look remarkably sprightly now.’
           Eliza flushed, reluctant to admit her weakness. Mrs Fox answered for her.
    ‘Your sister swooned, she heard some shocking news, but she is fully recovered now and I shall send another messenger to tell Dr Smith he’s no longer required.’
           ‘Shocking news?’ Edmund paled as he was fixed by his mother’s basilisk stare. Eliza saw him swallow nervously, and took pity on him.
           ‘Edmund, Mama knows it all and has come up with an excellent solution. We shall not talk about it now, but I’m sure it will be explained to you later. I’m going upstairs to change into my work clothes and am going riding. Do you wish to come with me?’
    Edmund glanced through the drawing-room to the bay windows which were

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