
Free WeavingDestinyebook by G. P. Ching

Book: WeavingDestinyebook by G. P. Ching Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. P. Ching
point. But I can't look at them. I can't." Fran began weeping again.
    Lillian set the box down and wrapped her arm around the woman's ample shoulders. "Fran, don't be silly. Given the circumstances, of course we'll take them back. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Has there been any word at all about Stephanie?"
    "No. Nothing." Fran mopped her face with a tissue from the little purse that hung from her elbow. "She was at a party the night before. Her roommate says there was a boy. She left for home with a boy she'd never met before and she hasn't been seen since. And do you know, no one had ever seen that boy before. As far as we know, he didn't even go to UI."
    "Did her roommate know his name?"
    "No. Sickening, isn't it? My daughter spent the night with a boy she'd never met before and her roommate didn't even know his name. What was she thinking?" A new wave of weeping overcame her. "Atrocious behavior! I shouldn't be telling you at all. As if this town needs something else to gossip about."
    "Fran, Jacob and I, aren't going to tell anyone about that," Lillian said. She shot a glance at Jacob.
    "Of course not. Mrs. Westcott, sometimes people do things they regret later. Everyone deserves a second chance. I'm not going to say a word."
    "The thing is, I just keep hoping she's still with him. Maybe this whole thing is just irresponsible behavior and she'll show up on my door with this boy. Oh how I hope I'll see the day when all I've got to worry about is a bunch of rumors. Oh hell!" Her tissue was soaked. Lillian grabbed a new one from behind the counter and placed it in her hand.
    After several minutes, Mrs. Westcott seemed to pull herself together.
    "How about that refund?" Lillian asked.
    Mrs. Westcott nodded and followed Lillian to the cash register. With cash in hand, she didn't linger. "You Laudner's are good people. Always have been."
    Jacob flipped the sign and locked the door behind her.

Chapter 9
    Safe House
    Jacob remembered the first time he'd seen this room. He'd been searching for Dr. Silva's notebook. That day seemed like an eternity ago.
    The furniture was still covered with white sheets, except for the bed. Dr. Silva had uncovered it before he settled in for the night. Only, he wasn't settled. Every time he closed his eyes he saw black scaly skin. Every dream he had was a nightmare.
    After hours of tossing and turning, he gave up and quietly descended the stairs to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water and sat down at the table.
    "Milk works better, you know," Mara said from the hallway. "Warm milk. That's what they say anyway. Personally, I can't stomach the taste but if you're desperate."
    "What are you doing up?" Jacob asked.
    "I could ask you the same thing."
    "Couldn't sleep. I guess I dozed a couple of times but I keep having nightmares. The kind where something's chasing you."
    "Me too. I know this place is enchanted but I don't feel safe." Mara placed her hands on the back of a chair at the table as if she couldn't decide whether to sit down or not.
    "I feel safe, I just think there's something more I should be doing."
    "You mean like protecting your girlfriend yourself?" Mara asked.
    "Yeah, exactly like that," Jacob answered.
    "Gideon will do a good job. He won't let anything happen to her."
    "I know, but it should be me, and I feel rotten that she doesn't know what's going on."
    "Why didn't you tell her?"
    "She was gone all day. I didn't have a chance."
    "You've never heard of a phone?"
    "I called her, okay, but explaining that Watchers tried to kill me and might be after her too didn't seem like the best conversation to have over a cell phone. That's more of an in-person thing, don't you think?"
    "You're probably right." Mara pulled out the chair and sat down. For the first time, he noticed her pajamas.
    "Nice pjs. You been a fan of SpongeBob a long time?"
    "Practically since birth. But to tell you the truth, I have these because they remind me of the day I became a

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