Vareen & Mica (The Alliance Book 2)

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Book: Vareen & Mica (The Alliance Book 2) by Stormy McKnight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy McKnight
asked calmly. “I heard Cali talking earlier, so I know she’s okay, but
why wasn’t she with us on the ship?”
    Vareen’s brain started to throb with a headache from the strain of trying
to remember. Her hands flew to her temples in frustration.
    The doctor immediately held an instrument to her eyes. Frowning he asked,
“Your pupils are dilating . What level of
pain are you experiencing?”
    “It isn’t bad,” Vareen was able to answer truthfully. “It’s just a slight
throbbing. Why am I experiencing pain from trying to remember? Do I have a
brain injury?”
    “I am going to answer truthfully, but I want you to remain calm.”
    At his words, her anxiety amped up.
Nobody said that if they were going to give good news.
    “There were consequences when you returned to Cestori. I won’t go into
details, only to tell you that a realignment procedure was done to try to erase
your emotions. You were rescued and brought to this facility to heal.”
    “Was this procedure to erase my emotions completed?” Vareen was stunned
at the news, so she was able to feel some emotion.
    The doctor held up his hands helplessly. “I don’t know. Your brain is
very traumatized and you’re still healing. Even if you feel fine physically,
your mind will take some time to catch
up. I’m not sure to what extent you will be able to feel things. You might feel
very strongly, or nothing at all. We’re just not sure.”
    Vareen tried to hide her unease at the scope of her memory loss and brain
injury. “Did the others have this done? Cali, Nellia,
Vathral, Diandra... ”
    “You are worried about your friends?”
    “Yes. Something important had to have happened to get Cali off The Reliant . Was she taken to have this
realignment done?”
    “No. Cali is safe and unharmed. Would you like to see her?”
    “She’s still here? Yes, I’d like to see her.”
      The doctor nodded his head and
after a few moments, there was a knock at the door and it opened. Cali stood
there with a tall, dark haired male.
    “Vareen.” Cali ran to her and drew her into a hug. “I’m so sorry.” Before
Vareen could blink, Cali was in tears, crying on her shoulder.
    “Cali,” she pulled back to examine her friend more closely. “What
happened? What’s wrong?”
    “It should be me.” Cali cried harder. Her friend’s amber eyes were pools
of misery and Vareen was stunned.
    The male who’d joined them in the room’s face darkened, “Cali don’t say
that. You couldn’t have known. None of us could.”
    “What should be you?” Vareen looked from Cali to the male with her.
    “Drake, it should be me sitting there,” Cali gestured at the medical bed.
“I should’ve taken The Reliant back
to Cestori. I knew Diandra was evil—”
    “I took you from the bridge. It is my fault.” The male looked miserable
and Vareen was busy trying to figure out
who he was and what about Diandra ?
    “Diandra? What about her?” Vareen’s eyes watered at the intensity of the
pain in her head with trying to think. Seeing her distress Jaden was suddenly
hovering over her, examining her eyes again. After looking at first one eye,
then the other, he backed away. Grabbing a tool off the table by the bed, he
pressed it to her neck and Vareen felt instant relief.
    Jaden frowned faintly. “I don’t think discussing this topic is in the
best interest of my patient.”
    “No,” Vareen objected. “I want to know. Please, let her tell me.”
    The doctor nodded reluctantly to Cali, “Okay, but keep it short.”
    Her friend hurried to say, “Diandra was working for my mother the whole
time we were at the Academy. She wasn’t a true friend. She told my mother to
use you, Nellia and Vathral against me. That’s why you were picked for
realignment, because of me.”
    Vareen nodded, taking the news in stride. “I think I understand.” She
smiled reassuringly at her friend. “It’s not your fault. I was in command of The Reliant , and I’m sure it was for a

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