A Billionaire's Connection: Marceline's Kiss (Molding Clay Book 2)

Free A Billionaire's Connection: Marceline's Kiss (Molding Clay Book 2) by Vladimir X. Rusalov

Book: A Billionaire's Connection: Marceline's Kiss (Molding Clay Book 2) by Vladimir X. Rusalov Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vladimir X. Rusalov
out to the emptiness beside her and because she doesn't feel him there, believes it was all just a dream.
                  Ok just open your eyes and get it over with. You didn't spend the night with him so just get up and get on with your normal morning routine.
                  She rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them. She had to blink a couple of times and rub her eyes a bit more to get her bearings. She definitely wasn't in her own bedroom. She realised she was under the sheets naked and turned to look at the alarm clock.
                  It wasn't a dream. It really did happen! Crap it's after 11am. I wonder where he is?
                  Marceline gets up with the bed sheet wrapped around her. She notices her clothes have been folded neatly on a chair and see that there is a piece of paper on top of her clothes. Walks over to pick it up and it's a note:
                  Good morning beautiful. I do hope you had a good nights sleep? I didn't want to wake you when I got up as you looked so peaceful and fucking sexy as hell lying naked in my bed. I've had the clothes you wore last night laundered and I've left a clean set of clothes for you in the en-suite. Take your time and enjoy whats left of the morning. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen and if you want to find me I'll be in my home office down the hall from the lounge trying to get some work done and not think of all the naughty things I could be doing to you instead.
                  Laters baby
Victor Fischer
                  Marceline is grinning from ear to ear and she feels that now familiar pull deep in her core at his words. Even his words make her feel weak and left wanting him. She re-reads his note a few more time and finally decides to take a shower. She walks into his en-suite and the first thing she notices is the massive stone tub that sits right in the centre of the room. She makes her way over to the very large walk-in shower and switches it on. It heats up instantly and she jumps in. The warm water flows over her and she just stands there enjoying it for a few moments. She spots some shower gel and grabs it, taking in its smell.
                  It smells just like Victor, the right combination of spice and musk.
                  Squeezing some into her hands she starts to lather it up. Washing herself, she gets lost in thoughts of the night before. She rubs the foaming shower gel over her body, down her arms , over her breasts, her stomach and then slowly down, down.
                  Oh that feels so good, mmmm.
                  The more she washes herself the stronger the pulling sensation becomes in her core. Her body is reacting in ways she has never felt before. Without even realising it her hands were roaming, kneading her breasts and pulling at her nipples, then the other hand making its way south to her engorged clit. Slowly she moves her folds and starts to play, enjoying the feelings pulsating through her body as that now all to familiar feeling starts to build deep down inside.
                  It's almost 11.30am and Victor is finally finished going through all his emails and messages. Before he had even started going through his messages he was on the phone to Welsh. He wanted him to do a thorough background check on Carla's second husband Ben and his son Adam. He wanted to make sure that there was no way either of them could come back into Marceline's life and try to hurt her again.
                  Thank god that's all dealt with. I wonder if Marceline is up and about yet?
                  He gets up and walks out of his office and towards the kitchen hoping to find Marceline sitting at the breakfast bar, only she's not there. He slowly makes his way up to his bedroom thinking she must still be sleeping. He knocks on the door but gets no reply.

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