NYPD Puzzle

Free NYPD Puzzle by Parnell Hall

Book: NYPD Puzzle by Parnell Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Parnell Hall
for a police officer. But let me break it down for you. Are you having me tailed? Have you authorized surveillance? Are detectives from your department, or any other department, or any other policemen that you know of, following me around to see what I do?”
    “Wow,” Crowley said.
    Cora grimaced. “‘Wow’ was not the response I was hoping for.”
    “You were hoping for a denial?”
    “I was hoping for an answer. Preferably an honest answer, but even a lie would be better than ‘wow.’”
    Crowley exhaled, shook his head. “You’re an exhausting woman.”
    “That’s what my ex-husband Frank said. It’s one of the reasons he became my ex-husband.”
    “Is that why you’re not married?”
    “No. Frank was several husbands ago. Don’t change the subject. Look. I’ve never had a case with you before. I don’t know how you work. Letting me go with what you had on me was not exactly by the book. Even my lawyer couldn’t understand it, and for a woman who looks like a centerfold, she’s pretty damn sharp.”
    “What’s this about someone following you?”
    “Someone followed me home, and it wasn’t a stray puppy dog.”
    “Who was it?”
    “Still acting like it wasn’t you? Interesting.”
    “If someone’s following you, I’d like to know.”
    “Don’t be silly. It could be a lead.”
    “And you have so few.”
    Crowley exhaled through his teeth. It occurred to Cora he could use some dental work. “I let you go because I don’t want to waste my time on you. I got a murder to solve. You didn’t kill the guy. You had no reason, and with your lawyer making a stink about the ballistics evidence, it’s a cinch the bullet isn’t going to match. On the other hand, if someone’s taking an interest in you, it’s something I should know.”
    “You’ve almost got me convinced it isn’t you.”
    “You want me to take a polygraph?”
    Cora smiled. “That could be a pretty good bluff.”
    “I told you. I don’t bluff.”
    “Just what someone bluffing would say.”
    Crowley waggled his fingers next to his temples. “Snakes. You got snakes in your head. Okay, lady. You say you’re being followed. You got anything concrete to go on? I don’t suppose you got the plate?”
    “As a matter of fact, I do.”
    Cora took out the license plate number, passed it over.
    “This is a Connecticut plate,” Crowley said.
    “Sorry. I know you can’t trace them.”
    “Yeah.” Crowley snatched up the phone. “Perkins. Trace a license for me. Connecticut plate, number two, seven, nine, three, eight.” He hung up with a flourish.
    “Showoff,” Cora said. “You’re saying you can trace a Connecticut plate?”
    Crowley shrugged. “Just routine.”
    “Oh, yeah? Bet you fifty bucks you can’t trace that plate.”
    “I don’t want to take your money.”
    Cora nodded. “I understand. Little much on a sergeant’s salary.”
    Crowley exhaled again. “You’re on, lady.”
    They shook hands.
    The phone rang.
    “Fast enough for you?” Crowley said. He scooped it up. “Okay, Perkins, what you got?” The smile froze on his face. “Run that by me again.” He listened, said, “Double check it.… No. I’m sure you did. Do it again.” He hung up the phone.
    Cora cocked her head, smiled. “Earful of cider?”
    Crowley scowled. “What?”
    “Never saw Guys and Dolls ? Sky Masterson tells Nathan Detroit what his father told him to do if a man ever offered to wager he could make the jack of spades jump up out of the deck and squirt cider in his ear: ‘Do not bet this man, my son, or you will wind up with an earful of cider.’”
    Once more, Crowley let out a breath. Cora could practically see steam. “I got hustled.”
    “Big-time. At least you’re quick on the uptake.”
    Crowley looked pained. “You going to make me pay off a sucker bet?”
    “They’re the only ones I make.”
    The sergeant whipped out a billfold. He made sure Cora couldn’t see how much was in it while he took

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