Beyond Innocence

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Book: Beyond Innocence by Joanna Lloyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Lloyd
Tags: Romance, History
Enough to give some rational consideration to her situation.
    Now, what was she to do about this hasty marriage?
    She sighed, already knowing the answer. There was no choice but to go back and continue the farce of being William Radcliffe’s wife. The courts may have given her a seven-year sentence, but her marriage to William Radcliffe had given her a life sentence.
    But she would survive them both.
    • • •
    By the time the sun dipped below the horizon, Electra was ready to return.
    “Right,” she said aloud, as she stood and dusted down her skirt. “If Mr. High and Mighty Radcliffe wants a mistress for his house then he’s got one. Possibly not the one he imagined … ”
    She strode back to the kitchen and stood in the doorway, observing Shi Liang’s food preparations. “What have we for dinner, Shi Liang? Do you need me for anything?”
    Shi Liang turned around, confused at her question. “No Missee, I look after kitchen and house. You lady, you sit, do nothing.”
    “Goodness, no, Shi Liang. I am mistress now and I want you to consult me on everything.” The cook looked at her blankly until she waved her hand, conceding defeat for the moment. “Never mind, we can start with that tomorrow.” She turned back toward the house.
    Then, as a thought came to her, she called out, “Oh and make sure you serve dinner within the hour.”
    Pleased with her show of control, she continued into the house. She might have been mistaken, but she could swear there were angry mutterings and the sound of utensils crashing to the floor. She shrugged. Shi Liang would get used to her demands and if not, well, that was for her husband to sort out.
    • • •
    Dinner began as a quiet affair. The silence punctuated only by Shi Liang noisily placing the food onto the table in front of them.
    “Shi Liang, if you have a problem please tell me what it is. I refuse to sit here and watch you break our best china as you exercise your temper,” snapped William.
    “Ask Missee, she in charge of house now,” he answered petulantly and swept out of the room.
    William’s eyes flicked to Electra’s face but her look was challenging. “You did tell me you wanted me to be the mistress of your house. So I informed Shi Liang he was to consult me on everything.”
    William gritted his teeth. She had succeeded in upsetting the only domestic servant capable of efficiency and dependability. And this was her first night.
    “Perhaps you might just familiarize yourself with how everything works before taking on any duties,” he suggested.
    Her eyes blazed. “Is there something you are trying to tell me?”
    “Not at all, my dear.”
    “Are you patronizing me, William?”
    He had been right. This woman would not be easy to control. If she would stop looking at him with those golden eyes, he might be able to think clearly. Maybe if he changed the subject, she might settle down.
    He cleared his throat. “What do you think of Riverside so far, Electra?”
    The anger in her eyes softened and she looked down at her lap. “The parts I have seen are very nice. How much land do you farm, William?” she asked, looking up at him.
    “Approximately 2,500 acres. Some of it I purchased, some of it was a land grant from the governor. Callum will explain the details when he shows you around.” He took a bite of his pie. “Do you ride, Electra?”
    “Oh yes, I love to ride. I learned on my father’s country est — er, on a country holiday.”
    William frowned, wondering what it was she had nearly said. Although his curiosity was piqued, her pale, strained face stopped him prying. Instead, he said, “I have a quiet mare with a soft mouth. You can ride her and see what you think.” Then as a thought came to him, he added, “I thought we might go into Sydney Town tomorrow and order some gowns for you and any other articles of clothing you need. What do you think?”
    “I suppose so. Ah, would I be seen do you think?” she asked, looking at

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