Marked by Destiny
argue with Michael a second time that day if
I had to.
    Simon came
running over and jumped in front of the three of us wearing a pair
of sneakers, his gown flapping open to show off the Speedo and
superman S on his chest. It was impossible not to laugh as he’d now
tied his gown to look like a cape. He gave Grace a big hug and when
he noticed the look on Michael’s face, proceeded to shake my hand.
I laughed and leaned in to hug him. He gave me a quick squeeze back
but then released me. “Sorry, Michael. Not trying to hone in on
your girl.”
    Grace swatted
him on the back of the head. “Michael’s only joking. That’s his
look all the time.” I heard her mutter, “Miserable. Like
    If I heard
that, Michael had definitely heard it.
    “When are you
heading down to Florida?” Grace asked Simon.
    “About three
weeks. I figured I might as well learn how to surf before I get to
university. My folks bought me a surfboard for graduation! I have
the coolest parents in the world!”
    I saw Michael
raise an eyebrow. “Way to go. That’s fantastic you are continuing
your education.” He glanced at me from the corner of his eye.
“Where are you going? University of Miami? What do you planning on
    Simon waved his
hand. “I didn’t even try for one of the big schools. I’m going to
get into hotel management. I got this cool job at a flashy hotel
down in Miami. I get to do a lot of hopping and I think my Dad said
I’ll have to ring a huge brass bell. He keeps laughing when he’s
talking about it. Probably can’t handle the fact that I’m
    Michael nodded
and kept his smile very tight. I, on the other hand, had to turn
away so Simon wouldn’t see my face. I didn’t want to laugh at him,
he was the biggest sweetie in the world, but he definitely wasn’t
the sharpest tool in the shed. I should have enrolled in the same
courses. Then Michael wouldn’t hound me for choosing to take a year
off. I had enough on my plate at the moment.
    “That’s great
Simon!” Grace hugged him. “I wish you loads of success and I hope
you have tonnes of fun down in Miami!” She didn’t care what he
planned on doing, as long as he was happy.
    “Let’s go get
our picture taken by the photo guy the school hired.” He grabbed
Grace’s hand, leaving Michael and I alone.
    We watched them
    Michael finally
broke the silence. “He’s a… unique guy.”
    “Good thing
Grace never brought him home to meet Caleb.”
    Michael glanced
at me and then chuckled. He put his arm around my shoulder and
pulled me close. “Probably a smart idea.”
    The awkward air
between us disappeared. Either I could sense it, or the Sioghra
pendant told me. I wasn’t sure which, but it didn’t matter, we were
going to get through whatever was to come – together.

    Michael, Grace
and I walked from the gymnasium to the front doors of the school
one last time. I didn’t feel the need to look back, that part of my
life was finished and I had spent the evening sort of celebrating
it with the two most important people in my life. I was ready to
start on the next journey. We were headed to Grace’s car, when I
felt Michael slow his walk and my hand fall out of his.
    “Sorry ladies,
but there is no way that I am going home in that little lemon of a car!”
    “It’s not a
lemon!” Grace stomped her foot, her hands going directly to her
    He grinned. “I
call it like I see it.” He handed me his jacket. “You two drive
back and I’ll walk.”
    “It’ll take you
over an hour to get back to the house if you walk!” I couldn’t help
but laugh at his refusal to get into the car. “I didn’t know you
had macho–issues.”
    “Not for me.”
He turned to Grace “Do you want to race?”
    “Depends… am I
racing you with the car? Or are we racing and letting Rouge drive
the car back?” She was already slipping her shoes off and tossing
them into the back seat.
    “Rouge, you
interested in making

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