Marked by Destiny
She glanced at
me and then back to the road. “You and Michael still haven’t?”
    “No.” I thought
back to that morning, and how mad Michael had seemed. Combined with
the mark that I was sure would make him run away from me screaming,
it felt like we were probably never going to.
    “I think I am
going to need to be mated with someone like Seth.” Grace must have
sensed something was up and threw me a curve ball.
    I laughed as I
pressed my hands against my cheeks. “I wouldn’t tell Michael or
Caleb that, I’m pretty sure both of them would tear Seth
    “I’m not
interested in Seth, just someone like him – or at least with his
qualities in the bedroom department!” She laughed her Tinkerbelle
laugh, the mischief still in her eyes. “One day you are going to
understand what I mean.” She shot a glance at my shoulder. “The
beast inside needs to be released and satisfied.”
    I stared at her
wide eyed. Did she mean the Grollic in me? She knew about the
birthmark on my shoulder blade but if I was a Grollic it would have
been just below my collarbone and I hadn’t turned into a Grollic on
my eighteenth birthday. So, we effectively had no idea what it
meant. Or was she just teasing me about my lack of experience and
I’d turn into a beast once I had a taste for it?
    Thankfully the
school came into sight. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind as we
pulled into our usual parking spot and then made our way towards
the gymnasium. Students, faculty and family were arriving at the
same time. Rushing, we made our way to find our cap and gowns on
the racks inside the gym. Grace found hers and brought them to
    “I’ll be right
back; I just need to do something for a moment. Can you hold my
gown and cap?”
    “Sure, where
are you going?”
    Grace leaned in
and whispered, “Going to put your diploma beside mine so we can sit
together and receive our diplomas together. I’ll be right back, no
one will notice me. Scouts honor.” She held up two fingers and then
walked out of the gym. She returned shortly after, and winking at
me as she put her cap and gown on. “Good to go.”
    I laughed as
not even a hair had been misplaced from her perfectly styled
students,” Ms. Graid picked up her microphone “Can everyone get
into alphabetical order so we could head into the auditorium? The
graduation ceremony will be commencing in ten minutes.”
    Grace took my
hand and led me to line up to the right of her. Then she scratched
her head, and switched me to the other side. In single file the
students made their way to their spots inside the auditorium that
was already full of parents, family and friends.
    I twisted in my
seat, trying to find Michael. It seemed near impossible amidst the
sea of faces behind us. “Do you know where…?” I asked Grace
suddenly afraid the argument this morning would stop him from
    She sat quiet
and then turned to look to her left. I followed her direction.
Sarah stood up and waved in our direction, about ten rows back from
us. Michael sat beside but there was no sign of Caleb. I didn’t
care, my only focus was on the blond blue eyed boy who smiled at
me. The pendant around my neck warmed against my skin.
    The vice
president of the school came on stage and began speaking to
everyone. Several teachers and coaches stood up to make speeches,
and finally the President began calling the graduates names. Grace
and I cheered as Simon stood on stage to accept his diploma; he
turned and opened his gown to reveal a hot pink Speedo underneath
with a Superman S painted on his chest. The auditorium erupted in
    I waited for
Damon’s name to be mentioned. Guilt washed over me that no one
seemed to notice his absence, believing he had left school or
moved. He had kidnapped and planned to kill me. Instead, he was
lying on the bottom of the lake near Caleb’s cottage. He had
attacked me in Grollic form, but I had no idea if his body would
ever be found, and if

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