Imperfect Penelope (Wild Crush)

Free Imperfect Penelope (Wild Crush) by Sami Lee

Book: Imperfect Penelope (Wild Crush) by Sami Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sami Lee
had the perfect opportunity to stop this in its tracks. Right now , Penny told herself. Greg’s hands inched a little higher, working inside her T-shirt until his thumbs brushed the underside of her breasts. Penny’s head dropped back, her eyes closing on the pleasure, and she thought, Not just yet .

Chapter Six
    Somewhere in the back of his exhausted mind, Greg knew Penny was right. What they were doing was crazy. But sanity seemed overrated when he was reveling in the feel of Penny’s skin, so supple and smooth. Logic was impossible to grasp when he covered her breasts with his hands and she let out a soft, keening moan of pleasure. It disintegrated completely when he felt her pointed nipples jutting into his palms.
    Had he given her enough time to tell him no? Greg wasn’t sure, because time seemed to stand still as he watched Penny’s long, sinuous body undulate in response to his caresses. He repositioned his hands, cupping her breasts and flicking his thumbs over their turgid peaks. Penny’s head snapped forward until she was looking at him with wide green eyes gone bright with arousal.
    “Does that feel good?”
    He could tell by her actions that it did, but her quick nod filled him with satisfaction. She wanted him, and he liked knowing that at last. Liked knowing his infatuation hadn’t been entirely one-sided. He continued to fondle her sweet mounds while he tilted her forward. He buried his face in her cleavage, breathing in the scent of her warm skin and the fragrant cotton of her pajama shirt. He put his mouth on her breast, finding the sharp point of her nipple and drawing it into his mouth through the fabric.
    “Oh, cripes,” Penny whimpered. She sank her fingers into his hair, clutching him to her as she arched her body, feeding him more of her flesh. Greg took what she offered eagerly, feeling himself growing more out of control with each little moan Penny uttered. His erection strained painfully inside the denim of his jeans, throbbing with the need to find release. Preferably in Penny’s slick womanly flesh.
    He hadn’t come here for this. He’d come because he couldn’t wait until a decent hour to apologize to her for all the assumptions he’d made and the subsequently idiotic things he’d said.
    Kissing her had been a bad move, because once he’d started, stopping had been impossible. He’d wanted her lips on his for too long.
    Longer even than this past week, if he was honest with himself. He’d noticed her lips, how lush and full and easily smiling they were, on that first date. The night when she’d been his brother’s companion, not his. He’d noticed, and his body had responded, before he’d swiftly closed a door on those thoughts because he was not the kind of man to covet his brother’s woman.
    He’d only found out two hours ago that Bryan had no lingering feelings for Penny. It was only a bit of fun, were his exact words, words he wouldn’t repeat to Penny for fear of hurting her. Bryan had exaggerated his feelings to Greg so he’d feel sorry for him and give him the money, which was all he’d ever wanted. He hadn’t wanted Penny.
    Still, he’d found that out two hours ago and here he was already kissing her, on the verge of throwing caution to the wind and fucking her senseless.
    Greg tore his mouth away from her breast. His head banged into the back of the couch in his rush to stop himself devouring her. He dropped his hands to her hips, moving them away from the mind-addling temptation of her breasts. He held her still, trying to halt the sexy gyrations she was doing. She wasn’t close enough to feel his killer hard-on yet, but if she put her body tight to his she’d feel it all right, and she’d know how close to gone he was. How close he was to taking her right there on her couch.
    Apparently, none of Greg’s attempts to put the brakes on what they were doing telegraphed themselves to Penny, because when he pulled away she grabbed the hem of her top and drew

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