We Will Hunt Together

Free We Will Hunt Together by J. Hepburn

Book: We Will Hunt Together by J. Hepburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Hepburn
Tags: Fantasy, FF romance
bow. But the men would hunt together and take all day sometimes."
    "Would you walk into the centre of the pack, sword drawn?"
    "I can see your argument," Helgaer said sharply. "Assume I am successful. How do you think they will react when I start killing them one by one?"
    Camille's head turned to look at Helgaer, her eyes burning. "They will think they are facing more than two of us."
    Helgaer stared at her. "You can not mean—"
    "Understand this," Camille said over the top of her. "If I think you have any chance of success, I will join you. We must rid these mountains of him and his men or leave ourselves. You heard what Anselm and Petre said. I have had a good life here, but no longer. I will always be looking over my shoulder and trusting nobody. If I think you are not yet up to it, I will do everything in my power to talk you out of trying. But if we have any chance at all, well, you can have Koda, but I will help you kill his men. You will need my bow, in any case. A sling is good for pheasants and pigeons, not armoured men."
    Helgaer stared at her, speechless.
    "Well?" Camille asked.
    "I am humbled to have you join my hunt," Helgaer said slowly. Somehow, the traditional Vreelander words seemed inadequate. "Thank you."
    Camille checked her traps the next morning, returning with no rabbits but a small deer she had shot instead.
    Helgaer had been practicing her sword drills again, moving lightly and quickly and not stressing her side. She was wearing the farmer's hose and shirt.
    Camille did not quite manage to enter the clearing before Helgaer heard her.
    "I would like to show you something," Camille announced, after looking at Helgaer's practice sword for a moment. "After we have something to eat. Do you feel up to another walk?"
    Helgaer shrugged. "I feel better than I did yesterday morning."
    "Good. I will change your dressing before we leave."
    Helgaer debated avoiding her Vreeland clothes after the warning from Anselm, but refused to hide. When she emerged from the hut after changing, Camille was waiting. She was carrying a long bundle wrapped in cloth in addition to her bow and hunting knife.
    Helgaer opened her mouth to ask, but Camille cut her off. "Are you ready? This way."
    Surprised but intrigued, Helgaer followed her quietly.
    They headed at first in the direction of the men's camp, then turned sharply and began heading towards the mountains. Helgaer's heart quickened. Even seeing their distant peaks made her happier.
    Camille set off at a good pace, giving Helgaer a little time to adjust before picking it up slightly. Soon they were striding along easily and noiselessly, eyes constantly scanning, moving without speaking but with occasional gestures from Camille to Helgaer, or animal-like noises from Helgaer to attract Camille's attention and ask a question with raised eyebrow or nod.
    The day was hotter than before, and Helgaer was warm inside her vest. She was drinking a little more water than she was used to, but did not want to take her vest off. Camille, in her sturdy linen, did not seem to notice the heat any more than she had noticed the cold of the nights. Helgaer found herself wondering how Camille, from a plains people, would cope in a true Vreeland winter when water skins need to be carried against the skin to keep them liquid.
    They headed steadily uphill, working towards a small peak. Helgaer was maintaining her light, smooth, hunter's steps, but although her legs were carrying her with ease, her side was beginning to feel the strain again.
    The ground became rockier, the trees straggly and spaced out. Then the trees petered out entirely, replaced by shrubs that managed to hang on despite the winds by clinging to what was now almost purely rock.
    The rounded summit felt exposed. Helgaer looked around, seeing peaks rising above them. She felt a mix of exhilaration at the altitude and frustration that they were not even higher.
    Camille looked around with satisfaction. Helgaer

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