Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3)

Free Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) by E. L. Todd

Book: Soul Relenter (Soul Saga #3) by E. L. Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. L. Todd
forgotten, but it truly wasn’t. She knew how worried he was for her to be around Aleco again. She felt horrible that her last words had troubled him. She wanted to assuage his doubt and strengthen his resolve in her commitment, but since she couldn’t do that verbally, she had to prove it physically.
    She made love to him whenever the time would permit, which was essentially all the hours of the day, since there was little to do on the sailboat. Zyle woke up every morning to her riding him vigorously and she would take him again soon afterwards. Most of the time, they never left their quarters. She was so forward in their sexual relationship that Zyle never got to initiate intercourse. He didn’t mind; he loved her desire for him.
    After a session of intense love making, Accacia lied down beside him and kissed his neck and chest. She wrapped her arms around him and cuddled next to him.
    Zyle looked at her. “Accacia, you don’t need to prove your commitment to me. I already know I have your affection and undying devotion.” Accacia raised herself up and looked at him. “As much as I enjoy your overwhelming desire for me, it isn’t necessary. You already convinced me a long time ago.”
    “You’re not worried about Aleco?” Accacia couldn’t hide the surprise in her voice. She knew how delicate the subject of Aleco was, and she understood how much her former lover bothered him. Zyle never said it directly, but she had inferred it numerous times. She was happy that he finally believed her. He was no longer jealous.
    “Why would I be?”
    Accacia smiled. She felt elated at his calm attitude. He was the man she had met a year ago. “You’re right.”
    “I’ m your life partner, your soul mate, your king and fellow ruler, and your best friend and lover. I’m also the same race as you, meaning I have the same life-expectancy as you do. Aleco is human and will die a human’s death—you have no future with him. Your destiny is with me. I’m not worried in the least.”
    Accacia hugged him. “I’ m so glad you feel that way.”
    “I still expect the same treatment,” he said with a smile. “Perhaps I should have waited until we docked before I told you this.”
    “You r will is my bidding, Your Majesty.”
    “Good.” Zyle rose from the sheets and dressed himself. Accacia watched him with a saddened expression. She didn’t know where he was going. “We have a meeting with the ambassadors in the dining room. They are anxious to know our plans for the Continent.”
    “We don’t have a plan.”
    Zyle smoothed out the folds of his clothes. “Now you understand why I’m not looking forward to this.” He grabbed her dress from the floor and laid it on the bed. “Come on, Accacia. Let’s not keep them waiting. We don’t have an excuse to be late.”
    Accacia sat up and donned her dress. “Well, we could tell them exactly why we are late.” She smiled. She fixed her hair in the mirror, smoothing out the tangles and the wild locks. “I have a feeling they might be uncomfortable, however.”
    “That would make two of us.” Zyle opened the door to their quarters and nodded to her. “Come.”
    The king and queen walked down the hallway and turned down the stairs in the center of the ship. They entered the dining hall and saw the ambassadors seated along the table. Laura smiled when she saw them enter the room. Illanya rose from her seat and greeted her sovereigns. Mikah remained in his seat with a poorly hidden scowl on his face. He still didn’t approve of this trip.
    Zyle pulled out Accacia’s seat and she sat in the chair. He sat next to her and leaned his elbows on the table, staring at the ambassadors across from him. Cups of steaming tea were on the table, along with fruits and a variety of bread. They also had chunks of the Anastille plant, an invasive species that was infused with large amounts of protein. Everyone was commanded to eat it in large portions to support healthy muscles during the

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