Willful Child
Adjutant, we’re run by fascists in all but name.”
    “No we’re not!”
    “Look at that uniform you’re wearing, Tighe! Black on black on black with that red lightning bolt? Please. Tell me, how many useless wars have us Terrans dragged the whole Affiliation into? Oh sure, we prance around with our tolerate this and oh-how-cuddly that, but the fact is, we’re xenophobic as hell.” Hadrian stood and leaned on the desk, bringing his face closer to the adjutant. “And worst of all, like my grandpappy used to say: the meatheads are still running the show! As for me, why, am I not the perfect product of the Affiliation of Civilized Planets? In fact, you should really be seeing me as the paragon of all that you hold dear—”
    She seemed to choke. “You? You truly are mad, Hadrian Alan Sawback. Certifiable!”
    “Am I? Am I? Are you so sure?”
    “Yes, yes, and yes!”
    Hadrian blinked. “Oh. So, you don’t want to fuck, then?”

    Adjutant Lorrin Tighe pulled out a blaster and aimed it at Hadrian.
    “Wow,” he said, “you really don’t want to fuck, do you? Fine, forget I ever mentioned it.”
    “I am authorized to remove you from command of this vessel. If you resist, I am instructed to kill you. I intend to comply with my orders, Captain Sawback.”
    Hadrian tilted his head at the ceiling speaker grille. “Tammy?”
    “Yes, Captain?”
    “My opinion of the Affiliation—how does it wash? I mean, access what’s left of Terran history and all that. Ideologies, political theory, et cetera.”
    “Oh, well. Permit me to qualify my observations with the fact that I don’t care. Biologicals are always caught up in that self-referential deism crap. Flowers of the Universe, every one of you!”
    “Go on,” said Hadrian, still holding the adjutant’s stare above the blaster.
    “Fine. Whatever. Your opinion, Captain, is entirely accurate. Your species is collectively insane and yes, the meatheads are still in charge. There. Better now?”
    Lorrin Tighe scowled. “This alien AI would say something like that, wouldn’t it?”
    “Xenophobic, darling?”
    “And it’s also a criminal!”
    “That happens to be in charge of the Willful Child , Adjutant. I’m curious. Once you’ve deposed me, what next?”
    “Seven Counter-class ships are pursuing us,” she replied. “With orders to destroy us.”
    “Even you, Adjutant?”
    She straightened. “I accept my fate and will do my duty.”
    “Tammy,” said Hadrian as he settled back in his chair and rubbed at his eyes.
    “Yes, Captain?”
    “Is her blaster deactivated?”
    “Of course. I deplore violence, unless I’m the one initiating it.”
    She squeezed the trigger and, when nothing happened, threw the weapon at Hadrian. She missed. Then, face reddening, she burst into tears.
    Hadrian rose and came round the desk. He laid an arm across her shoulders. “There there,” he murmured. “I know, it’s been a bad, bad day. And it’ll only get worse.”
    “Get your hand off my tit, Captain!”
    “Sorry. Unintentional, I assure you. Now, let’s get you sitting down, shall we. I’ll leave you to pull yourself together. After all, I still need my chief of security, don’t I? That is, of course, assuming you still wish to serve aboard this vessel?”
    He had her seated now and she glared up at him. “What choice do I have?”
    “Well. Tammy? Will you permit an escape pod here in T space?”
    “Oh, I don’t see why not, Captain. The energy source I am employing can easily manage that.”
    Hadrian’s eyes narrowed. “Really? Even after the T packets? Now that’s interesting.” He sat on the edge of the desk and smiled down at Tighe. “So, you have the option.”
    “You fool,” she said. “Those Counter-class dreadnoughts are going to obliterate this ship.”
    “I doubt it. So, here it is, Adjutant. Time to roll the dice and step up to the plate. It’s the fourth quarter, two outs and a full count—do you swing with all-in or not? You

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