Heart Appearances (Truly Yours Digital Editions Book 560)

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Book: Heart Appearances (Truly Yours Digital Editions Book 560) by Pamela Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Griffin
grimaced at the annoying name she persisted in calling him but looked her way.
    “Come join us!” She scooped up an armful of rich autumn colors and sent her bounty sailing into the air, with the abandonment of a gleeful child. “The leaves are fine. Crisp and crackly—perfect for rollin’ about. So what say? Care to join in the tussle?”
    “Join in the. . . ,” he repeated quietly in shocked disbelief. With a shake of his head, he moved in the direction of the schoolroom. The four walls offered safety, sanity. He had enough troubles; no need to invite more.
    Rapid crunching sounded behind him, growing louder. “Hey, Guv’ner—don’t leave yet!” Darcy’s voice was breathless.
    Knowing that the sensible thing would be to keep walking—before he was attacked from behind with a bucketful of leaves—Brent increased his pace, almost to a jog. She grabbed his sleeve and pulled. He whirled and hastily brought up a hand to block his eyes, expecting a smattering of leaves to dash him in the face. The action unbalanced them, and Darcy tumbled against his chest, almost sending them both to the ground.
    In a reflexive act, Brent threw his arms around her at the same time she grabbed handfuls of his vest. An electrified moment elapsed before she lifted her stunned gaze. Equally shocked, he stared down at velvety eyes rimmed with black curly lashes. Eyes so dark, they held traces of deep, mesmerizing blue-purple.
    “Hey! Look at Teacher and Miz Darcy,” Ralph’s voice piped up. “Reckon Joel was right and they’ll be smoochin’ in the cloakroom next?”
    A chorus of chortles met his question.
    Heat racing to his face, Brent dropped his arms from around Darcy’s waist and stepped as far back as he could. She still clutched his vest, his shirt underneath, and one suspender.
    “Miss Evans!” he exclaimed. “Would you mind releasing your hold?”
    “What?” She blinked as if coming out of a stupor. “Oh, sorry!” She let go.
    The suspender snapped back into place with a sting. By this time, the giggles from the boys had turned into rip-roaring laughter.
    “Excuse me. I’ve business to attend.” Brent turned and again headed for the safety of the schoolhouse.
    “But, Guv’ner. . .”
    With his back to her, he hastily tucked in the few inches of shirt material that bagged loose above his high-waisted trousers. Once through the door, he sensed her presence behind him. He was sure of it when she barreled into him, stepping on his heels as he came to a stop.
    Nowhere was safe any longer.
    Letting out a slow breath for patience, he faced her. “Yes? You wish to speak with me?”
    A sheepish expression crossed her pink face, now shiny from her exertions. With bits of colored leaves in her disheveled hair and clinging to her skirt, she looked little more than a girl. “I’m sorry, Guv’ner. Really I ham. But you walk so fast!”
    “Apology accepted,” he said quickly. When she didn’t move to go, he lifted his brow. “Was there something else?”
    She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side, all awkwardness leaving her as she observed him. “Tell me, Guv’ner, why is it you don’t like to have fun?”
    “Excuse me?”
    She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Do I have to spell it out for you like I did last Christmas? Ever since I’ve known you, you do nothin’ more than work, eat, and sleep. I’ve never seen you unbend—not once mind you—and have a good time.”
    Brent cleared his throat. “Perhaps your definition of fun doesn’t coincide with mine.”
    “Okay, what’s your definition?”
    Brent opened his mouth to reply, then stopped to consider.
    “Aha! See there? You don’t even know what fun is!”
    “I most certainly do.” He removed his spectacles, grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket, and angrily swiped at the spotless lenses. “I just don’t feel the need to reply to your query.”
    “And I’ll bet my eyeteeth it’s ’cause you don’t know the

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