A French Affair

Free A French Affair by Katie Fforde

Book: A French Affair by Katie Fforde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Fforde
you?’ Gina demanded, feeling instantly guilty.
    ‘It’s all right, I have a couple of friends who will lend me theirs if I feel the need. Here’s one of them now.’
    A tall man with curly hair, a beret and a pushbike came to say hello before joining the back of the queue. ‘Mornin’, Matt,’ he said, revealing a cockney accent and a wicked smile.
    ‘Jake.’ Matthew nodded. ‘This is Gina. She’s taking over Rainey’s spot in the centre.’
    ‘Oh yeah, I heard that Rainey had died. Sad. She was a great woman. A real eccentric.’
    Gina – in jeans, fleece and comfy trainers – sensed disappointment. ‘My sister Sally, who’s also taking over the spot, is much more like her.’
    Jake laughed. ‘Nah, you’re all right.’ He turned his attention to Matthew. ‘Looking for anything special?’
    ‘Just some good saleable pieces.’
    Gina couldn’t tell if Matthew was holding his cards close to his chest – she never wanted to play poker with him – or was simply telling the truth.
    Jake pushed his arm playfully. ‘Don’t we all, mate. Let me know if you want to borrow the Dick Van Dyke.’ He winked at Gina. ‘That’s the bike to you.’ He moved off to join the line of people.
    ‘He seemed nice,’ said Gina.
    ‘Yes, really nice and straight as a die. He’s based over in Sussex so we don’t do business that often but I’ve had some nice pieces from him and him from me.’
    While Matthew was paying for their tickets, which were in the form of a label like those at race meetings, Gina heard her phone bleep. It was a text from Sally. ‘Should be with you at about ten.’
    As Gina tied her label on to the zip of her bag she told Matthew. ‘She must have left the house at about five this morning,’ she said in amazement. ‘She’s really keen.’
    ‘Well, let’s see if we can get you some nice pieces before she gets here, to start you off. Then I’ll leave you girls alone for a bit.’
    Gina contemplated objecting to being referred to as a girl but decided it was a waste of energy. ‘Will we be able to get much with five hundred pounds?’
    ‘I should hope so. That’s quite a lot of money if you’re going for small stuff.’
    ‘What sort of things do you think we should go for?’ She gazed around. There were row upon row of stalls and she could barely see to the end of them. She felt it would be very easy to get lost. ‘There’s so much here. I don’t know where to start.’
    ‘Here’s as good as any,’ said Matthew setting off down one of the avenues.
    Gina followed, feeling completely out of her depth. As they walked, she looked left and right, trying to take in as much as she could.
    ‘I think some art deco pieces would look nice with the scent bottles,’ said Matthew. ‘Rainey loved art deco.’
    ‘I don’t know the difference between deco and nouveau,’ confessed Gina. ‘In fact the amount I know about antiques could be written on the back of quite a small postage stamp.’
    ‘Nouveau is more plants and natural things and deco is more geometric and was a bit later. But don’t worry about not knowing anything. You’ll learn.’
    ‘Oh look,’ said Gina, unreasonably offended by him saying she knew nothing, ‘there are some lovely pieces on that stall.’
    ‘Yes,’ said Matthew. He stopped. ‘Would you mind if I did the business for you? No offence, but you haven’t got enough money to be able to waste it and any dealer worth his salt will be able to tell you’re a novice and will get every penny out of you he can. He won’t try that on me.’
    ‘But how will I learn if I don’t do it?’ Gina did want his assistance but felt she had to take the plunge some time.
    ‘As I said, when Sally gets here I’ll leave you to your own devices but it would be good to get some nice bits before then.’
    Gina sighed. ‘How are we going to work it, then?’
    ‘I’ll get you some choice pieces at rock-bottom prices.’
    He made it sound so simple but Gina wasn’t happy.

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