The Exiles

Free The Exiles by Sven Grams

Book: The Exiles by Sven Grams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sven Grams
Captain Felx was a good horse rider. His trusted animal was only ever loosely tethered and would come when called.
    â€˜So how did you get into town?’ asked Felx, his voice now more casual that the Lieutenant had left.
    â€˜Suzzi is back at the main stable,’ replied Trex, his headache subsiding rapidly to a dull throb.
    â€˜Suzzi,’ exclaimed Felx happily ‘How is the old girl?’
    â€˜She’s still steady as a rock, still spitting at strangers,’ replied Trex casually.
    Trex’s animal Suzzi was not, in-fact, a horse, but an animal more normally ridden by Anthro lions. Suzzi was a desert animal that was very similar to our camels here on Earth. She was about the same size as a camel is here, but did not have such a large hump, and a bit of a curlier coat.
    Orientating himself in the glaring morning sun, Trex moved to take a seat at a nearby long wooden table. The table was located under a large low heavy cloth strung from the wall of one of the buildings. In the shade, Trex tried to stretch his stiff, sore neck, rolling his head around a bit.
    Captain Felx stood looking at the youth, behind him his faithful brown horse had came trotting up, nudging him in the shoulder affectionately.
    â€˜You can jump on Hearm if you like, we’ll take you to the inner city,’ offered Felx.
    â€˜That’s ok,’ replied Trex, a little dismissively ‘I still have to pick up some stuff before I go, you don’t have to wait for me.’
    Ignoring Trex’s casual reply, Felx turned to his horse.
    â€˜You go graze boy, I’ll only be a minute,’ he said, putting the loose reins behind the large animals head and giving him a quick pat.
    The Captain ducked under the shade cloth’s edge, taking a seat near to the young lion. Silence returned. The desert breeze played with the canvas roof above the two sitting figures.

    Though Captain Felx prided himself on remembering every face and name he came across, he knew little more about most Anthros then was necessary. His familiarity with the young male lion came from a more direct connection. He was technically Trex’s guardian.
    â€˜Sorry I haven’t been able to talk to you more often lately,’ said Captain Felx solemnly, breaking the silence.
    â€˜I know you’ve been busy,’ replied Trex, almost sounding convincing.
    Captain Felx frowned. He had not had a chance to have a proper talk to the lion youth for about three months. This was despite Trex only living a few hours ride away from town, and Trex himself coming to RefugeCross about once a week for classes. It was because of this that Captain Felx was not surprised by the uncharacteristic stand-offish behaviour of the young lion.
    â€˜So how’s the family?’ asked Felx, referring to Trex’s uncle, aunt and younger cousin who Trex lived with on their farm.
    â€˜They’re good. Zea’s grown again,’ Trex answered, speaking specifically about his young cousin. His tone had turned slightly up-beat of its own accord, as Trex honestly couldn’t complain about his family life.
    â€˜It’s been another great harvest,’ he continued, despite himself.
    Trex had wanted to remain angry at his guardian, but any stubbornness quickly deteriorated as it looked like he would finally get the chance to talk to the older lion again.
    â€˜Karthen even lets me have more time off to train and stuff.’
    Trex normally referred to his uncle by his first name, Karthen.
    â€˜So School is going well then?’ asked Captain Felx, who actually knew exactly how Trex’s training was going. Trex also knew that he knew.
    â€˜Should be finished this year,’ Trex said anyway, not without a hint of pride.
    Felx smiled, genuinely happy for the young lion.
    â€˜Two years before the average. Impressive,’ praised Captain Felx.
    Unlike the school system of the wolves, which had mandatory schooling up to a certain age, the lion

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