Richard & John: Kings at War

Free Richard & John: Kings at War by Frank McLynn

Book: Richard & John: Kings at War by Frank McLynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank McLynn
First section
    Reverse of the Royal Seal of Henry II ( Centre Historique des Archives Nationales, Paris, France, Lauros/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library )
    Henry VII at his coronation, miniature from Flores Historiarum , by Matthew Paris, Ms 6712 (A.6.89) fol.135v (© Chetham’s Library, Manchester, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library )
    Tomb of Eleanor of Aquitaine at Fontevraud Abbey ( akg-images/Erich Lessing )
    The marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Louis VII of France, and Louis departing by ship to go on the Second Crusade, from the Chronique de St Denis ( TopFoto/HIP )
    Eleanor of Aquitaine and her daughter-in-law, Isabella of Angoulême, followed by Richard and John, being led into captivity by Henry II after their rebellion in 1173, 12th-13th century fresco, Chapelle de Sainte Radegonde, Chinon, France ( The Art Archive/Dagli Orti )
    Tomb of the Young King at Rouen Cathedral ( TopFoto/Roger-Viollet )
    Bertran de Born ( Bibliothèque Nationale de France/Ms Français 12473, f. 1 60 )
    Richard the Lionheart, painting by Merry Joseph Blondel ( Chateau de Versailles, France, Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library )
    Frederick Barbarossa, from History of the Third Crusade by Robert de Saint Remy ( TopFoto/HIP )
    Richard I and his sister, Joanna, Queen of Sicily, with Philip II of France, at Palermo in Sicily, 1190, during the Third Crusade, from History of the Crusades by William of Tyre ( By permission of the British Library/Yates Thompson 12, f.188v )
    Saladin, illustration by Gustave Doré from Histoire des Croisades by J-F. Michaud, 1877, vol. I ( akg-images )
    Portrait of Saladin, Arabic School ( British Library, London, UK/The Bridgeman Art Library )
    Saladin’s troops ravaging the Holy Land, during the Third Crusade, from History of the Crusades by William of Tyre ( By permission of the British Library/Yates Thompson 12, f.161 )
    Saracen on horseback fighting in Sicily, fresco, late 13th century, Tour Ferrande, Pernes-les-Fontaines, France ( The Art Archive/Dagli Orti )
    A kneeling crusader knight, from the Westminster Psalter ( By permission of the British Library/Royal 2 A. XXII, f.220 )
    Nureddin, Sultan of Damascus, in mail-coat and wearing an open helmet, flees on horseback pursued by two knights, Godfrey Martel and Hugh de Lusignan the Elder. From History of the Crusades by William of Tyre ( By permission of the British Library/Yates Thompson 12, f.132 )
    Krak des Chevaliers, Syria ( The Art Archive/Dagli Orti )
    Embarkation of French crusaders in St Jean d’Acre and the English fleet destroying a ship of the Saracens, from Sebastian Mamerot, Les Passages d’outremer par les Français , Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris ( akg-images )
    Siege of Acre, from Grandes Chroniques de France ( Bibliothèque Nationale de France/Ms Français 2813, f.237 )
    King Richard I and his army capture the city of Acre in July 1191, from Chroniques de France ou de Saint Denis , vol. 1 ( By permission of the British Library/Royal 16 G. VI, f.352v )
    Surrender of the keys of Acre to Richard and Philip, from Grandes Chroniques de France ( Bibliothèque Nationale de France/Ms Français 2813, f.238v )
    Richard the Lionheart massacres captives in reprisal, illustration by Gustave Doré from Bibliotheque des Croisades by J-F. Michaud, 1877 ( Private Collection, Ken Welsh/The Bridgeman Art Library )
    Ms illustration showing the massacre of the Saracen prisoners, from Les Passages d’outremer par les Français ( Bibliothèque Nationale de France/Ms Français 5594, f.213 )
    Chateau-Gaillard at Les Andelys in Haute Normandie, France ( Guy Thouvenin/Robert Harding )
    Capture of Richard and his paying homage to Emperor Henry VI, from Petrus de Ebulo , ‘Liber ad honorem’, Augusti. Cod. 120 II, fol. 129 r, Burgerbibliothek, Bern ( akg-images )
    Durnstein Castle in Austria (© Jack Sullivan/Alamy )

Second section
    ‘The King! The King!’ illustration by Howard Davie from Robin Hood and his Life in the Merry

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