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Book: Wanted by Jason Halstead Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason Halstead
lying boldly but safely. “Your lips and the way you hold yourself, I can tell you’re going to be great!”
    “ Really?”
    Jessie nodded. “Maybe in a couple of years you can be in one of my movies with me? Would you like that?”
    In one of her movies? Dustin gaped at her, in awe. That meant he’d have the chance to fuck Jizzy Banks! Sure, that wasn’t all she did in her movies, but she did plenty of that too. He found himself nodding then realized something.
    “ Do you, um… do you ever, you know… date the guys in your movies? Outside of them, I mean?”
    Jessie laughed lightly and gaze his leg a squeeze. “Not usually, but I might make an exception.”
    He grinned and nodded excitedly. She fought the urge to laugh. This was easier than she had expected! Never doubt a teenage boy’s hormones, she figured. The door opened before any more could be said.
    Tanya walked in, stiffly again, and moved to the bed to lie down. She looked over at them and did a double take at how her brother was red faced and fighting to keep from smiling. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Jessie, but she let it go.
    “ What’s going on?” she asked, trying to sound casual, but failing.
    “ Nothing!” Dustin said quickly.
    Jessie smirked. “We were just making plans for what we’re going to do when we get back to Mexicali.”
    “ Oh yeah? Like what?” she asked, feigning indifference.
    Jessie rose to the challenge and answered before Tanya’s brother could further incriminate himself. “First thing for me is going to a halfway decent restaurant. This wild pig might keep me alive, but I want a burger and fries! And a beer. I’d give anything for a beer.”
    Tanya looked disgusted at the thought of the unhealthy food and, worse yet, the beer. She shook her head and lay down on the bed, grabbing a blanket and rolling fully onto her back. “I’m going to take a nap,” she announced, not wanting to hear any more.
    Jessie kept her expression neutral, but would occasionally glance at Dusty and smile. He grinned back, blushing, but as Tanya’s breathing grew more even it began to get old for both of them. Jessie rose up and started poking around, looking for something to do. She thought about going outside, but realized there was nothing out there she wanted. Well, almost nothing.
    She stood up and saw that Dustin was drifting off himself. She had no idea what time it was, but she guessed it was still daytime. Healing took a lot out of a person, she knew damn well from her own past. She shivered a little at the memories of hospital beds and the smell of sterilizing alcohol. She went to the back door and decided to check out the facilities herself.
    What surprised her the most was the lack of any toilet paper. Instead she found a pile of cloth rags. They were clean, but remnants of old garments or towels that had been torn up. A bucket with a lid housed a couple of dirty rags. She wrinkled her nose at the realization that Carl must wash them up and reuse them. She shuddered a little at the thought of doing such a deed, but granted that a hermit like him had little choice if he wanted to avoid a several day trip to a town that had toilet paper he could buy. Then again, even in Mexicali she had seen more than a few places where having something to wipe your ass with was a luxury often not granted.
    She finished her business and stood up, then stumbled backwards and squealed. She saw herself in a mirror, and the appearance startled her. She had not seen the mirror before, it was above a shelf and the outhouse, though lit, was very dim. The mirror was dusty too, further blurring her image. She reached out carefully and brushed it off, leaving cleaner streaks from her fingers. Finally she was able to look at herself and what she saw stole any of the high spirits Dustin had put her in. She was dirty and looked like shit.
    The outhouse had no water in it. She looked around, sighed and headed back inside. Both of the kids were still

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