Vale of Stars

Free Vale of Stars by Sean O'Brien

Book: Vale of Stars by Sean O'Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sean O'Brien
water that should be simple to purify—but other supplies, especially medical ones, will have to be rationed. We’ve been predicting this, and the probe data now confirms what we have been saying.”
    “What’s your proposal?”
    “I propose that essential personnel receive first priority for all medical services until such time we can provide all colonists with full access. I need not mention that the upper echelons of medical staff, such as yourself, will be considered ‘essential personnel.’ As will their families.”
    “You’re bribing me.” It was a statement, not a question.
    “I am removing from your shoulders what would have been a difficult, perhaps even impossible, decision. Your…altruism would not have permitted you to privilege your own progeny, even when such privilege is clearly warranted.”
    “Why must there be privilege at all? Why can’t we treat everyone as if they were vital members of society?”
    “Because this is not a vague, hypothetical exercise in social engineering, Doctor. For EE3 to be a viable colony we must have a sound genetic base. We must therefore preserve those Gen Five children who are genetically superior over their unfortunate, flawed brethren.” He stared at her, and for a moment, she thought she saw through the politician’s mask to the human beneath. When he spoke again, his voice had lost some of its orator’s smoothness and had grown almost husky. “Don’t think I like this idea. I’ve been wrestling with the problem for years. I wanted the probe to send back data telling me we had found another Earth so this step would not be necessary. The thought of abandoning children to fend for themselves is…disgusting.” He straightened slightly, then said, “But it has to be done.” And his mask was back in place. He was a Councilmember once more.
    Despite herself, Jene felt a portion of her mind agreeing with Arnson. It was that cold place in her mind that she did not care to examine closely—the place that cried out in terror of the dark and clawed with animal ferocity for a larger share of food than was rightfully hers. That part of her mind realized she could take Arnson’s offer and protect herself, Renold, and Kuarta forever.
    Her mind suppressed the cold place. Civilization could not be run solely by the dictates of animal desires and base needs of humanity. Jene felt the cold place dim but not vanish. It was still there, lurking, as it always was, waiting for the civilized, transcendent part of every human being’s mind to weaken.
    A thought occurred to her—Arnson had not completed his proposal. When she spoke, her voice sounded alien. “Why do you need me to agree? Aren’t you going to push this through with or without my help?”
    Arnson stayed pleasant but the wolf was in his eyes. “You have stirred up more trouble than I think you realize, Doctor. A significant portion of Ship has been led astray by your…misguided views. It would be far more convenient, not just for the Council but for the mission as a whole, if you were to recant your position and convince your…followers to acquiesce to the Council’s wishes.”
    For the first time in the conversation, it was Jene’s turn to smile. “A significant portion, you say? How many? Ten? A hundred? A thousand?”
    Arnson shook his head slightly. “No point in revealing a figure—”
    Jene felt jubilation. There were more than one thousand! Could she have convinced a majority of Ship? She searched Arnson’s face for the answer. He was scared—hell, he was terrified! There must be close to two, perhaps even three thousand who were firmly on her side, with another thousand or so who were undecided. The Council no longer had a mandate. Possibly as many as three out of five people agreed with Jene and thus were against the Council.
    “You don’t have popular support, do you? It isn’t going to be just inconvenient to try and enforce your policy—it is going to be impossible. I’ve convinced

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