Her Darkest Road (Roughneck #4)

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Book: Her Darkest Road (Roughneck #4) by Nicole Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Hart
try very hard, since they were sure there was no foul play. Six months later, they found her in Florida. She had drowned. I’m sorry I never told you this, Angel. I only wanted what was best for you. And if letting you think she just walked away because she was selfish, instead of the truth, then I take full responsibility. Protecting you was the most important thing to me, and I will never regret that.
    I hope you understand the reasons I did the things I did. As a parent, all you want is what’s best for your children, no matter what. I’ve watched you grow into the best mom these past few years. I watched you fight for Maggie and I know you would do anything to protect both of your babies. You’re a lot like your old man, like it or not. And no matter how old you are, you will always be my little girl. My Angel.
    I love you.

    The End

    When I first started this journey, I had no idea where this path would lead. It was scary and full of uncertainty. But you guys made it easier. Your encouragement kept me going.
    My husband- I couldn’t have done any of this without you. My blue collar boy. My better half. Every single one of these roughnecks have a little part of you in them. Jase’s protectiveness. Moon’s determination. Kash’s temper. Joe’s dedication. Thank you for being you. I love you. More.
    My kids- My cheerleaders. My little miracle baby loves. Thank you for encouraging me. Always follow your dreams, no matter how big they are. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
    Christy- My chapter by chapter beta, my best friend and sister. Thank you for your honesty and rolling with my crazy. Thank you for encouraging me and always having my back.
    Nicole’s Shiners- The most amazing street team. Thank you for supporting me and working so hard to get my work out there. It means more than you could ever imagine.
    A special thanks to Giovanna Bovenzi Cruz and Laurie Breitsprecher. You two make my heart happy on a daily basis. Y’all are my favorite bitches. Xoxo
    Major Bookworm Editing-Thank you for your encouragement, kindness and never judging my crazy mind.
    Kari March Designs-YOU ROCK! Your talent has amazed me during the creation of each cover. Thank you for handling my pickiness with grace. You’re stuck with me woman!
    Colleen Hoover- Although it was just a quick meeting at a signing, your words pushed me. You assured me that the voices didn’t make me crazy and to pursue my dreams. So thank you for being you.
    Tarryn Fisher- You helped me unleash the crazy and I could never thank you enough. You showed me that life isn’t always a Happily Ever After but it’s always beautiful. #PLN4LIFE

Mental Health Hotline Numbers
    National Alliance on Mental Illness  1-800-950-6264
    Sexual Abuse Hotline                        1-888-PREVENT
    Healing Woman Foundation              1-800-477-4111
    Suicide Prevention Lifeline               1-800-273-TALK
    Teen Helpline                                     1-800-400-0900
    Incest Awareness Foundation             1-888-547-3222
    “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as though they are.”
    -Benjamin Franklin

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